When I graduated basic training my Father handed me this now some of you May know the make and model of it but What's important is that this is the Same knife that went through every Single training I did it went through Military flight school and it traveled The planet with me for almost eight Years I had to spend a lot of time taking good Care of it for it to take good care of Me so that's what I'd like to take you Through today is our five-step process For making sure that no matter if it's a Folding Edge or a fixed blade you're Always ready to go Foreign [Music] So in order to get through our checklist I've gone ahead and upgraded my Edge From something smaller to something a Little bigger so that you guys can get a Better view of it so for our five-step Method we start with c and our cush p And that starts with clean I want to Make sure that this is as clean as Possible both on the edge And through the handle and through on The inside now I've written before about There's all sorts of stuff that can get Inside here can cause issues and we want To make sure that that's cleaned out as Best as possible if you're using a fixed Edge knife then go ahead and check your
Sheath as well make sure that that's Cleared out on the inside Now the U really stands for uninhibited Movement we just shortened it to just You and really I'm checking the action On this to make sure it does this open And close as it should Um is there anything prohibiting in here That's causing any errors in movement And if there is any movement I want to Stop right there and have this adjusted And have it looked at by a professional But if this is all working great then we Can move on to the S which is the fun Part which stands for our sharpening Practice now I've gone ahead and I've Already set up the system for this Particular knife just for the sake of Speed and we're going to go ahead and Just insert the knife into the clamp Like so Now when it comes to sharpening we're Going to use a stone and why we use Stones is because they're very cheap They're very and they're very effective At what they do you can use an electric Sharpener but we prefer manual ones this One comes in extremely light it comes With a carrying case and allow you to Put it in your bag or into your kit and Be mobile with you no matter where you Go So we've gone ahead and preset our Stone We've preset our angle
Um when you're doing this what you Really want to pay attention to and this Is our most common error is setting your Angle correctly now we use a mini Digital level and that just allows us to Set the level on it and verify that the Arm is at the same angle Um if you notice that you continue to Work on your sharpening and you're not Getting any sharper or you're noticing That on the flat part of the blade Itself a lot of scratches more than Likely you have the wrong angle we see This all the time so I wanted to call That out specifically now with our System you're going to want to work Across that angle in a consistent motion So when we use these we use a pendulum Motion if you're using a flat stone You're going to hold that knife at that Angle and push it across making sure you Work your way back and forth across with The knife so I'm going to go ahead You can work across Now I've done 10 here what I do is at 10 I'll flip the knife over And I'll come back across For another 10. and at that point we can Double check see how we're doing and Then if we're doing great so far we'll Move up to a higher grit Stone now There's a lot of people out there that Will tell you you get the same effect With the same grid of stone I'm here to
Tell you that that's not going to work For you we recommend having a at least a Set of stones and with this kit and the Kits that we sell we give you four Stones right out of the bat Um so When you're getting a hold of your set Make sure that you have a few and work Your way up and these Stones act like Sandpaper does and that the further up You go and grit the better quality Edge You're going to get but you need to Start low and work your way up So We'll swap this out In just four speed sake I'm going to Jump up to our 1500 grit Stone Come back across Flip it back over Yes Now if we've gone through the entire Sharpening process we're happy with Where we're at there's one or two more Steps we're going to go through now the H in our cush P comes from the word hone And we never leave a sharpening session Without honing our Edge now there's a Lot of different methodologies here that You could do If you have a strop this works great You're going to make sure that your Knife is at that same angle you have Before that it's currently set at now And if you're using one of our systems
We actually have strop attachments that Allow you to plug this drop into the System and keep going so if let's say For sake of argument this was set up as A straw what we're going to do Would be then to set it back and we're Not going to work towards us in a Pulling motion To pull that edge back flat Invert again Work our strap back across so that our Blade is nice and flat and level now Finally our last step in our Kush P Method Requires us to actually protect this Edge now I'm going to go ahead and take It out In protect we're coming back here to our Sheath end so for this one I want to Make sure one more time that there's no Extra Gunk there's no issues inside the Handle itself and simply making sure That That edge is protected and there's no Harm that's going to come to it if You're working with a fixed blade you're Going back and really checking and Making sure that your sheath is top Quality and ready to go there's nothing Inside of it there's no errors with it And we want to make sure that that edge Is as protected as possible because when It's at its sharpest is when it's also At its most vulnerable so making sure
That that edge is nice and sharp and Protected is key So this has been our five-step push P Method clean Uninhibited movement sharp honed and Protected So no matter if you're using a folding Blade like mine that always sits on your Hip or if it's your full lung straight Edge knife that sits on your pack if you Can remember these two things to always Make sure that your knife is properly Serviceable and no matter if you're Using a flat stone or a system to always Use the right Edge you'll always be on The Cutting Edge Just like a certain well-known movie Brand since you made it to the end of The video I'm gonna toss you a little Bonus so if you follow the link below Here's what I'm going to do our Kush B Checklist I'm going to go ahead and give It to you all you have to do is follow The link toss in your email address and I will send you our kushpi checklist so That no matter what you you always have The right methodology to make sure that Your knives are always at Top Shape How's that sound Foreign [Music]