How To: The Secret to Comfort When SURVIVAL CAMPING! | ON3 Jason Salyer

Welcome to our blog post on the ultimate guide to achieving comfort while survival camping! If you’re an adventure enthusiast like ON3 Jason Salyer, you’ll know the importance of striking the perfect balance between roughing it out and making your camping experience as comfortable as possible. In this article, we will reveal the secret tips and tricks that will transform your survival camping trips into a relaxing and enjoyable adventure. So, grab your gear and get ready to discover the best ways to enhance your comfort level while embracing the great outdoors. Let’s dive in!

How To: The Secret to Comfort When SURVIVAL CAMPING! | ON3 Jason Salyer


Camping in hot and wet environments can be an amazing experience, but it often comes with the annoyance of bugs. Mosquitoes, flies, and other pests can quickly turn a peaceful camping trip into an itchy nightmare. While there are many bug repellents on the market, they often contain chemicals that can be harmful to the skin. In a recent video by ON3 Jason Salyer titled “The Secret to Comfort When SURVIVAL CAMPING!”, he demonstrates an effective and natural way to keep bugs away – building a smudge fire.

The Power of Smoke: Building a Smudge Fire

One of the essential techniques shared in the video is the use of a smudge fire to create smoke that repels bugs. By utilizing pitchy pine or fat wood, which can be found in forests, a smudge fire is created. This type of fire produces smoke that acts as a natural bug repellent, keeping those pesky critters at bay.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to build a smudge fire:

  1. Find pitchy pine or fat wood in the surrounding area.
  2. Collect enough wood to sustain the fire for an extended period.
  3. Arrange the wood into a teepee shape, ensuring proper air circulation.
  4. Use flint and steel or another fire-starting method to ignite the fire.
  5. Allow the fire to burn until a steady stream of smoke is produced.
  6. Position yourself around the fire, allowing the smoke to envelop you and repel bugs.

Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Smudge Fire

To maximize the effectiveness of the smudge fire, there are a few additional steps you can take:

  1. Clear the area around the fire to minimize the presence of additional insects.
  2. Use moist, decayed wood as an additional fuel source. This type of wood produces more smoke, creating a stronger bug repellent effect.
  3. Consider using additional natural bug-repelling herbs or oils, such as citronella or lavender, to enhance the smoke’s effectiveness.

By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the nuisance of bugs while camping in hot and wet environments.

Dressing Appropriately: Covering Exposed Areas

In addition to utilizing a smudge fire, dressing appropriately can help prevent bug bites. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants to cover exposed skin.
  • Use lightweight and breathable fabrics to stay cool in the heat.
  • Tuck pants into socks and shirts into pants to create a barrier against insects.
  • Opt for light colors, as dark colors tend to attract bugs more.
  • Consider wearing a wide-brimmed hat to protect your face and neck.

By taking these precautions, you can minimize the likelihood of bug bites and enjoy your camping trip comfortably.


In conclusion, surviving and camping in hot and wet environments can be a challenge due to the presence of bugs. However, by utilizing a smudge fire to create smoke, dressing appropriately, and taking additional measures to enhance the effectiveness of the fire, you can keep bugs at bay and enjoy the great outdoors more comfortably.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Why is it important to choose a smudge fire as a bug repellent method?
  2. Are there any risks involved in using bug repellent sprays or lotions?
  3. Can a smudge fire be used in any camping environment?
  4. Does the type of wood used affect the effectiveness of the smudge fire?
  5. Are there any natural alternatives to bug repellent sprays and lotions?