[Music] Is it easy to focus on the negative and Fear or to get up and take care of Business is it easier to acquire gear That you think will help you if there's A disaster or is it easier for you to Jog a mile or carry your bug out back Three miles How many times have you said I really Need to take care of myself and think to Yourself I'll start tomorrow or I'm too Afraid to work out today or I'm not fit Enough to go to the gym your life right Now is a result of what you did a year Ago Your life a year from now will be a Result of what you do right now while Chaos circles Us in the world with Uncertainty there's one thing you have Control over today that will make all The difference when you need it your Physical fitness Maybe you've wanted to start lifting Weights or jogging or hitting the Treadmill but you feel intimidated maybe You've said to yourself I'll drop these Extra 20 pounds I'm carrying around but I'll start on a die on Monday Getting fit is not just about looking Good it's about making sure your number One prep is ready when you need it in The preparedness Community we constantly Encourage you to take care of yourself There may come a time when you have to
Exert yourself at levels you've not Before have you been sitting in an Office working or in front of your couch Have you gotten comfortable with Complacency and ease The bottom line is getting fit is one of The best things you can do for yourself While the world rages outside the Uncertainty can be overwhelming but it's Never too late to start and it's never Too early to begin all you need is a Willingness to take that first step You may think that you're out of shape Too injured or too busy to work out the Truth is it's time to make the decision To take care of yourself I know that there's a lot happening in The world right now there's a general Sense of unease within the community There's things that are happening that Are outside of our control and I get This sense all the time from the Community as I go through the comments And obviously here as if late things Have been Amplified and taken up a notch With the events in Ukraine with the Events of Russia with the economy that Seems to be going sideways and I know There's this General sense of unease at The moment of what's coming next and I Hate to use this word but there's almost A sense of fatalism that it's out of our Control we're too late this is all Doomed and I I just want you to pull
Back for a moment I hope you can hear What I'm about to say and I chose the Title of this video purposefully that I Hope if you're in this community that You hear this is that yeah there's a lot Of things that are out of my control but The one thing I do have control over is My physical fitness and I'll be honest With you I picked up some injuries here Lately I've developed unfortunately some Arthritis in my shoulders I injured my Back last December I developed a tear my Meniscus in my knee several years ago And it's been incredibly frustrating Because there's so many things that I Want to do and it's caused me to have to Pull back and change the way I do things But I know that it's up to me to take Care of myself because if something Happens if something does go sideways if There's a disaster if I have my physical Fitness I have one of the most valuable Assets that I can have we can buy gear We can buy all these things but if you Lose your physical health and things Really truly get bad that's really going To be a disadvantage to you so my Encouragement to you is this take care Of your health whether that's going on The YouTube if you're saying well I Don't have a gym membership or I can't Afford one there's plenty of videos that Can show you how to work out with just Your body weight there's plenty of
Things that you can do at home you don't Have to spend a lot of money to get in Shape but I would encourage you to not Only find something to push yourself Physically but more important focus on What you're eating I again I'm just Being honest with you here I need to Drop about 15 20 pounds that's my goal Over the next 90 days and my commitment To you is that I'm my goal is to drop 15 Pounds and I'll be sharing the progress With you and I'll be open and Transparent and my hope is to encourage You and spur you as I do these things And show you what I'm doing this morning I actually just signed up for a half Marathon on June 4th it's down in San Diego goes our annual Rock and Roll Marathon so by the way if you're Interested in joining me I'll be down There June 4th and all that to say I'm Really taking this a lot more seriously I think I have in the past I've kind of Gotten complacent as of late I've Allowed myself to sit more than I Probably should but I know at the end of The day that it's really up to me we Talk about it all the time in this Community but my hope is to really show You and display it as I get out and get More and act get more active and I want To take you along with this journey so If there's any thoughts or any feedback Or anything you found to be useful I'd
Love to hear your thoughts your comments Please feel free to share that below and I think it would really help the Community as well again if there's Anything you can take away from this Message take care of yourself take care Of your body because you only get one And that's it if you damage it or Neglect it And there's no Replacements that I know Of this time so take care of it again Always enjoy hearing your thoughts and Your feedback and as always stay safe Out there Foreign