So we're at division three weapons in Austin Florida and who walks in but Mr Galileo Hub himself Austin Lee man is I've never met you yeah it's great to Meet you but uh [Music] I follow you on Facebook actually I Comment uh quite often on on your uh Um content and I like galils this is my first year kind Of learning about galils like I did a Review on uh Khalil Ace I think for a Company not too long ago so I'd kind of Educate myself a little bit about it but For people who don't follow you and you Better follow them when we're done with This interview because he's got a lot of Cool stuff here tell us how you got Interested in this rifle platform All right right on man uh yeah we're at First got into the galils was a movie Called way of the gun with Benicio del Toro in it and it was the first and I'm Being a big fan of the Galil platform Whenever I first saw that movie and he Just dumps his whole magazine trying to Cut this room in half I just knew Instantly I needed one of those you know And I went from having a huge Infatuation with the AK platform to Jumping on to one Galil and the first One I bought was a total lemon You know it was built uh very poor Quality and I had to work my way
Backwards through that entire build you Know being a welder by day and a Fabricator by day for the past 11 years You know I kind of worked my my own Magic and working with Rocco here in Division three helped me a little bit Along the way cool so well too for People who may not be familiar with the Khalil platform just a little bit of Background on on how they came to be On how the platform itself yeah how did The Galil come to be so the original Galileo was built by Israeli galili his Original last name was belashnikov Yes sir and whenever he changed his name He changed it to galili I guess at the Time all of the Jews were doing that on Uh on that side changing their name the More European uh sounding last names and I actually thought that was a joke Myself too but it was later confirmed by A friend of galilies that's in the Industry at Noom he was quite the Showman but uh he was also quite the uh Gunsmith and uh the way that he designed These guns was he took the the Basic assault rough rifles of the day uh Which was the Finnish valmey which had a Huge play in it a little from the fal Which was kind of an AK knockoff right That finish gun yeah uh some will say That the finished valmaid is the best Produced AKA uh in the world right That's a very arguable uh case for
Anyone I think uh they did a milled and A stamp version Back in the day in 308 at 556-762 by 39 all the calibers right uh He took a Type 3 captured Uh Russian Soviet AK uh which is where they based Most of their Dimensions from And then uh you know use the M16 uh Platform to get the caliber uh he Derived the magazine locking lugs on a Original M16 magazine uh if you look up The blasnikov rifle there is a rifle That you'll see which was the original Prototype his rifle and then it moved Into later in the Galil Series yeah Rifle can you uh show us what you got Here and point out some uh some features Of this rifle yeah absolutely so what I Have here is a uh this is a South African variant because just like with The Israelis the uh they were helping Out the South Africans in uh the South Africans got the license to start Producing their own versions so one of The more rare uncommon uh variants is Called the R6 The variants that you shot today were The SARS correct yeah so they were Similar to this they had a 13 inch a Little bit longer Barrel yeah this is an 11 inch barrel with a little shorter gas System okay that I custom did many many Years ago built on a tour uh receiver With all the South African Parts
Including original South African gas Block that I could Source at the time Uh to make this a complete South African R6 build so one thing you're talking About the gas block and and the um the Action that the galils are known to have I'm just going to say an improved gas System over the AKs is that correct yes Uh what did it what they do different is A chamber on the Piston there that Really helps align that piston as it Goes through the gas tube that's that's One of the the major improvements of of The Piston itself that makes it run Better cool and obviously when you look At a Galil in compared to an AK one of The first thing you notice is this Charging handle here that sticks up Which in my opinion is pretty cool Because you can you can Palm it from Here instead of having to sort of reach Around and and uh activate the first Time I shot a Galil that's one of the First things I really appreciated about This so this is a finished piece you're Not gonna do anything else to it no yeah Man this gun I'm actually uh running I've already you put well over a Thousand rounds downrange with this gun Just over the time I've had it but right Now we're fixing to do this match in uh In March in Texas called the lethal Weapons match where it's all retro guns Oh I love it so lethal weapons match
Okay match yeah so I'm going to be Running this so uh right down the road I Do all of my uh you know Target and I Have you know a little place set up for Me to shoot and uh this is what I'm Going to be running so I've been uh Getting her dialed in and that's cool Ready to rock well I met you on the Internet on Instagram yeah man uh you Got a good following there tell people Where they can find you on uh on Instagram at Galil hub And on YouTube at uh Google Hub yeah the Real underscore Hub Galil underscore Hub Right a lot of great information if You've never had the opportunity to Explore the world of a Galil I think You're definitely missing out the first Time I shot one I was like oh it's like A whole new world to me I just started Learning about AKs and uh a def a Definite Improvement uh on the on the AK I'll just call it an improvement on the AK with the Galil course this is a Specialized variant the galils that you Find the galils that you find for sale Out there on the wall of your gun shop What are they are they worth buying man You really gotta watch who the Manufacturer was uh who built the kit Um there are a lot of things that you Got to watch for especially with the Original galileos I know it's easy to Get excited I did it myself in the
Beginning and uh you know I paid for it Uh the hard way but uh it also made me Fall in love with the platform and now I Have many of these uh in many different Variants and hardly any AKs so is this Your go-to rifle yeah it is right now Yeah yeah whenever I'm training for a Match or anything like that that's That's all I'm running until uh awesome Well I shoot a little two gun I shoot Some Renegade matches uh I've I've Always run an AR platform we do have one Guy that shows up with some retro rifles Some stuff pretty cool stuff and uh I Don't think he showed with Galil yet but Uh I'll have to encourage him to do that As well I'm definitely going to explore My interest in galils I appreciate that If you check out Khalil Hub uh it's Galil Hub on Instagram Underscore Hub on YouTube as well right Yeah awesome awesome thanks brother glad We hooked up today yeah thank you you Bet [Music]