Prepper School

Prepper School: Master the Art of Prepping Like a Pro!

Do you ever worry about natural disasters or unexpected emergencies that could leave you and your family vulnerable and unprepared? Have you considered becoming a prepper but have no idea where to start? If so, welcome to Prepper School! In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about prepping, from the basics to more advanced techniques, to help you become a self-reliant and prepared master of your own destiny.

What is Prepping?

Prepping is all about being ready for whatever life throws your way. Whether it’s a natural disaster, economic collapse, or widespread power outage, preppers make sure they have the necessary supplies, skills, and knowledge to survive and even thrive during uncertain times. Preppers take a proactive approach to emergency preparedness, ensuring they have everything they need to weather any storm and protect their loved ones and community.

How to Start Prepping

Getting started in prepping can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not sure where to begin. However, with a little planning and preparation, anyone can be a prepper! Here’s how to get started:

  1. Assess your current situation: Take stock of your current resources, supplies, and skills. What do you already have that could be useful in an emergency? What do you need to acquire?

  2. Create a plan: Develop an emergency plan that addresses potential scenarios and outlines steps to take in each situation. Include communication protocols, evacuation plans, and supply checklists. Make sure everyone in your household knows the plan.

  3. Acquire necessary supplies: Begin stocking up on essential supplies, such as food, water, medications, and tools. Don’t forget to include items specific to your geographic location, such as warm blankets for colder climates.

  4. Increase your skills: Learn survival skills, such as first aid, fire starting, and basic hunting and fishing techniques. Join a local prepping group or take online courses to sharpen your skills.

Advanced Prepping Techniques

Once you’ve mastered the basics of prepping, you can move on to more advanced techniques to further ensure your safety and survival. These techniques include:

  • Building a sustainable food source: Start a garden or raise chickens to help feed your family during an emergency.
  • Alternative power sources: Consider investing in solar panels, generators, or other alternative power sources to keep your home running during a power outage.
  • Self-defense: Learn self-defense techniques and acquire firearms for protection in the event of a societal breakdown.

Join Team Sootch Minuteman!

If you’re serious about prepping and want to be part of a community dedicated to emergency preparedness, consider joining Team Sootch Minuteman. Founded by popular YouTuber Robbie Wheaton, the Minuteman program provides access to exclusive content, discounts on prepping supplies, and a private community of like-minded individuals all over the world. As a member of Team Sootch Minuteman, you’ll have access to all the tools and information you need to become a confident and capable prepper.


Preparing for emergencies or natural disasters can seem daunting, but with a little forethought and effort, anyone can become a prepper. Whether you’re just getting started or looking for advanced techniques, be sure to stay vigilant, stay informed, and stay prepared. Remember, being a prepper is about being self-reliant and taking control of your own destiny. Stay safe, and happy prepping!


  1. What is a prepper?
    A prepper is someone who takes an active and proactive approach to emergency preparedness, ensuring they have the necessary supplies, skills, and knowledge to survive during uncertain times.

  2. How do I start prepping?
    To start prepping, assess your current situation, create an emergency plan, acquire necessary supplies, and increase your survival skills.

  3. What are advanced prepping techniques?
    Advanced prepping techniques include building a sustainable food source, alternative power sources, and self-defense techniques.

  4. What is Team Sootch Minuteman?
    Team Sootch Minuteman is an online community founded by popular YouTuber Robbie Wheaton that provides preppers access to exclusive content, discounts on prepping supplies, and a community of like-minded individuals.

  5. What is the purpose of a prepping community?
    The purpose of a prepping community is to provide preppers with access to resources, knowledge, and support during emergencies or natural disasters.

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