Top 10 Struggles of a Prepper

Welcome to our blog, where we delve into the fascinating world of prepping! In this post, we’ll be exploring the top 10 struggles that preppers face on their journey towards preparedness. Being a prepper comes with its own set of challenges, and we’re here to shed light on them. Whether you’re already a seasoned prepper or just starting out, this article will provide valuable insights into the common obstacles and how to overcome them. So, let’s dive in and discover the trials and tribulations that preppers encounter in their quest for readiness!


Are you a prepper? Do you know someone who is? Prepping is becoming increasingly popular as people recognize the importance of being prepared for any unforeseen events or emergencies. However, being a prepper is not without its challenges. In this article, we will explore the top 10 struggles that preppers face and provide helpful tips to overcome them. So, let’s dive in and discover the obstacles that preppers encounter on their preparedness journey.

1. People Thinking They Are Crazy for Prepping

One of the most common struggles preppers face is the judgment and skepticism they receive from others. Many people view preppers as paranoid or irrational, not understanding the importance of being prepared. Despite the criticism, preppers remain staunch in their commitment to readiness.

2. Convincing Family and Friends to Support Prepping

Another significant challenge for preppers is persuading their loved ones to embrace the prepping mindset. Convincing family and friends to understand the importance of readiness can sometimes be met with resistance or dismissiveness. However, communication and education play vital roles in overcoming this struggle. Engage in open conversations, share relevant information, and emphasize the benefits of being prepared for any situation.

3. Keeping Prepping Efforts Private

Some preppers prefer to keep their preparations private due to concerns about societal judgment or potential security risks. It can be challenging to maintain confidentiality while gathering supplies, honing skills, or establishing a secure location. Preppers may need to adopt discreet purchasing practices, limit discussions about their preparations, and construct alternative storage methods to ensure their privacy and safety.

4. Never Enough Prepping Supplies

Having enough supplies to sustain oneself during an emergency is a constant challenge for preppers. It can be overwhelming to calculate how much food, water, medical supplies, and other essentials are necessary for short-term and long-term preparedness. Starting with a goal of one month’s worth of supplies is recommended, as it provides an initial foundation and helps preppers avoid becoming discouraged.

5. Focusing on Basic Survival Needs First

In the midst of accumulating supplies, preppers may prioritize less critical items over essential survival needs. While it may be tempting to collect specialized gear or luxury items, preppers should focus on securing fundamental necessities first. These include food, water, shelter, and medical supplies. Once the basics are covered, preppers can then expand their supplies to address specific scenarios or preferences.

6. Embracing Sustainability through Homesteading and Acquiring Skills

Preppers understand the importance of long-term sustainability. Relying solely on stored supplies is not practical in extended emergency situations. Hence, preppers often struggle with developing self-sufficiency by homesteading, gardening, raising livestock, and acquiring survival skills. Building a self-reliant lifestyle empowers preppers to thrive even when resources are scarce.

7. Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

As preppers delve deeper into their preparedness journey, fear and anxiety can become overwhelming at times. The realization of potential threats and the responsibility of protecting oneself and loved ones weighs heavily on preppers’ minds. It is important to find healthy ways to cope with anxiety, such as practicing mindfulness, engaging in physical exercise, and connecting with others who share similar interests. Remember, preparedness should bring peace of mind, not constant distress.

8. Adapting to Changing Situations

Preparing for every possible scenario is impossible, as emergencies come in various forms. Preppers must be adaptable and flexible in their approach. They should regularly reassess their preparations, update their plans and supplies, and stay informed about evolving risks and potential threats. Adapting to changing situations is crucial in ensuring continued readiness.

9. Balancing Preparedness and Everyday Life

Maintaining a balance between preparedness efforts and everyday responsibilities can be challenging for preppers. It is vital to find a middle ground that allows one to be adequately prepared without sacrificing other important aspects of life, such as work, family, and personal well-being. Effective time management, prioritization, and involving family members in preparedness activities can help strike a balance.

10. Staying Motivated and Proactive

Lastly, preppers often face the struggle of staying motivated and proactive in their preparedness efforts. It is easy to become complacent or let preparations take a backseat when emergencies seem distant. However, consistently taking small steps towards readiness, attending training courses, joining prepper communities, and sharing experiences with like-minded individuals can rekindle motivation and foster long-term commitment.


Being a prepper comes with its unique set of challenges, but with dedication and perseverance, these hurdles can be overcome. Preppers must navigate the skepticism of others, convince loved ones of the importance of preparedness, and maintain privacy while accumulating supplies. They must prioritize essential survival needs, embrace sustainability, and adapt to changing situations. Preppers also need to strike a balance between preparedness and everyday life, overcome fear and anxiety, and stay motivated in their efforts. By addressing these struggles head-on, preppers can enhance their readiness and ensure the safety and well-being of themselves and their loved ones.


  1. Are preppers really crazy?

    • No, preppers are not crazy. They are individuals who prioritize preparedness for unforeseen events or emergencies.
  2. How can I convince my family to support prepping?

    • Engage in open conversations, share relevant information, and emphasize the benefits of being prepared for any situation.
  3. How do preppers keep their preparations private?

    • Preppers can adopt discreet purchasing practices, limit discussions about their preparations, and construct alternative storage methods.
  4. How much prepping supplies should I have?

    • It is recommended to start with a goal of one month’s worth of supplies to establish an initial foundation.
  5. Should I focus on specialized gear or essential survival needs?

    • Preppers should prioritize securing fundamental necessities first, such as food, water, shelter, and medical supplies, before focusing on specialized gear.