The so-called experts seem to be Coalescing around the idea of what we've Been seeing for over a year on this Channel a recession is inevitable even The fat chair Jerome Powell in a recent Exchange on Capitol Hill with Senators Appears to be acknowledging the outcome Of the rate hikes will result in about 2 Million being unemployed very likely Forcing a recession while I purposefully Avoid Politics on this channel this next Clip shows a very specific stance that The feds are taking Right now the unemployment rate is 3.4 Percent which is the lowest in 54 years And we actually don't think that we need To see a sharp or enormous increase in Unemployment to get inflation under Control I'm looking at your Getting off 2 million people this year Not a sharp increase That to the two million families who are Going to be out of work we're not again We're not targeting any of that but I Would say even four and a half percent Unemployment is is well better than than Most of the time for the last you know 75 years Friction between China and the West is Taking on more aggressive rhetoric and The Ukraine war is gearing up to explode With perhaps nuclear conflicts there's Much to cover in this prepping News Segment plus I'll announce a winner of
Last week's giveaway and tell you how You can enter this week's giveaway so Let's jump in U.S recession The BET has raised interest rates eight Times over the last year to apply the Breaks to inflation and soften the blow Of an inevitable recession it has been The most extreme rate hike cycle in 40 Years there are other factors to Inflation like price gouging supply Chain issues and an ongoing war in Ukraine but the FED is determined to use Its only tool of rate hikes to try and Control runaway inflation there are some Indicators that it is working but is it Enough to avoid a recession that many of Us argue is already here the Pet's Current projections put the interest Rate in unemployment up a full one Percent by Year's End as mentioned a Moment ago that would be 2 million Americans out of work by the end of the Year now this doesn't account for Underemployed people those forced to Work fewer hours or those forced to hop Jobs for lower pay or remain unemployed We may be seeing that already as a Weekly jobless claims Are Climbing Layoffs by U.S companies over January And February touched the highest since 2009 with the tax sector accounting for More than a third of the overall 100 180 000 job Cuts announced since the end of
World War II there have been 12 times When the unemployment rate has increased By just one percent point the economy Fell to steer clear of a recession in Each of those dozen times in this cycle The FED sees the fund's rate Landing Somewhere between five and five and a Half points now that's a meaningless Point to many but it is relatively High When you consider it was just under one Percent at this time last year it was as High as 20 percent after the last Extreme rate cycle 40 years ago now Raising the interest rates is kind of Akin to building one of those runaway Truck ramps alongside the road a long Sand or gravel field Lane connected to a Steep downhill grade section of a main Highway which is designed to force to a Non-lethal stop any large truck or bus With filling brakes as such you build it By calculating the known speeds declines And buffering effect of the sand and Gravel now the FED is trying to project Out the economy to create a runaway Economy Ram still they are doing so Without knowing the impact of price Challenging for their supply chain issue Z extent that the conflict in Ukraine or The South China Sea will intensify Natural disasters crop failures or any Other unknowns it's the best guess on Their part granted they have a long look At the economic data but the economy has
Changed and the world has changed Dramatically since 40 years ago during The 80s so are these rate hikes really Helping would we be in a far worse spot Without them You have some notable impact on the Economy and there is no doubt that they Have prevented a chaotic downward slide Over the cliff but still cumulatively They are not probably enough to Stave Off a recession we warned on this Channel about a coming recession about a Year ago or so and all the signs were Forming into place back then and some Notable supply chain failures and war in Ukraine ended up following those Warnings that we gave we're also facing A loss of income in transaction volume As the anti-western brics alliance rises In strength and deal after deal is made In currencies outside the US dollar in a Sphere of control on World Markets the Critical thing to note is that the Rhetoric is changing from how do we Avoid a recession to how bad of a Recession will it be the FED doesn't Deny that a recession is pretty much Inevitable at this point it's a Conclusion of these interest rate hikes That are all intended to cool the Economy and counter inflation at the March meeting on the 21st and 22nd the FED will release new numbers projections And guidance I can tell you now that it
Is not going to be Rosy data like Punxsutawney Phil emerging from a Slumber to see his shadow and predict Another several weeks of winter when the FED emerges on the 22nd they're going to See a very long Shadow made even darker By the multitude of unknowns still out There but darkening the shadow even more Now these next two weeks are really your Final opportunity to kind of get a Little ahead of this profound economic Downturn in the global recession that is More likely to occur with each passing Day I would encourage you to download Our free Recession Proof guide and Implement some of the strategies you Find there I've said it before and I'm Going to continue to say it finances are A prep right up there with food and Water because if the worst doesn't Happen it still is what will carry you Through the bad days of the good ones I Encourage you to watch the videos in our Finances playlist or even our Great Depression playlist there's a lot of Information that we try to put together To give you practical advice on what you Should be doing we've done several Videos over the last few years that try To help Preppers leverage their preps to Save money and make it through financial Times if one thing is for sure we're Collectively head getting into a Deepening recession and how far that
Slide will be or how effective these Rate hikes will be is really a big Unknown right now as a war in Ukraine Continues to draw into its gravity more And more countries as tensions with China increase and the brics Nations Continue to cement around an Anti-western practice and posture things Are going to get a lot worse before they Get any better you really have two weeks Before the next meeting of the fed and That could be the pivotal point in time Where we shed some light on how deep This recession might be even if we can't Actually see the bottom of that point China The relationship between the superpower Countries of the United States and China Has become more strained by the day the Biden Administration has called for Establishing guardrails and not seeking Conflict with China and China's new Foreign minister Zhang Zhang just warned If the United States has not hit the Break but continues to speed down the Wrong path no amount of guardrails can Prevent derailing and there will surely Be conflict and confrontation China Understandably refuses to be told what It can or cannot do the country feels it Can do whatever it wants if it leads to Territorial gains or economic growth Under the one China policy with both Sides entrenched and opposing viewpoints
It's really no surprise that Eric spy Balloons unwanted flybys and escorts in The South China Sea trade Wars tariffs And strong rhetoric forbidding military Alignment with Russia and the Ukraine Conflict are all really Fanning the Flames of the vision that will lead to Only one conclusion a Russian and Chinese Alliance that will rival the Western dominated status quo China's Entrenched in its beliefs that the West Seeks to subdued in a recent speech Chinese leader Xi Jinping warned Western Countries led by the U.S have Implemented all-around containment Encirclement and suppression against us Bringing unprecedentedly severe Challenges to our country's development This is probably true but China's Response to this tactic will push the Geopolitical tectonic plates further Against and away from each other the Comments are a departure from the Chinese leaders typical paid comments About the U.S Chinese relations in a Time of ever increasing tensions it Appears the U.S House speaker Kevin McCarty plans to meet taiwan's president Shay linguin in the United States and That is less provocative than the trip He was playing to Taiwan but it still Will serve to aggravate the ever-growing Open wound between China and the United States China views engagements between
The United States and Taiwanese Officials as a breach of sovereignty Then house Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan in Match Day last year defying Warnings from China which launched Military drills around the island in Response we're likely going to see the Taiwan situation intensify each month Leading up to the country's presidential Election next year any significant shift In the power of dynamic or implications Of election tampering it could spark a More substantial confrontation the only Thing that can prevent inflammation of The conflicts between the superpowers Would be a conclusion of conflict in Ukraine where Russia is forced to Withdraw or an implosion of one of both Autocratic countries of China and Russia People getting fed up and turning on Their own government and either Countries not very likely if it hasn't Happened in Iran or North Korea or Syria It's probably not going to happen in Russia or China we are witnessing some Tectonic level geopolitical shifts in The world that we have not seen since The conclusion of World War II all the Boundary redrawn in trees coming out of That conflict are leading to a head Today in the South China Sea in the Middle East in the South China Sea Taiwan suspects that Chinese ships cut The Island's internet cables perhaps a
Threat perhaps is a test of future Invasion tactics these cables just a Little over an inch in diameter are Protected by Steel coverings in shallow Water but can be cut from fishing Vessels dragging Nets or anchors it is Possible that this was an accident and Taiwan's Coast Guard gave Chase to the Fishing vessel presumed responsible for The first cable on February 2nd but it Went back to Chinese Waters in the past Five years the cable's been cut a total Of 27 times but as tensions increase the Question of whether this is accidental Or intentionally increases it has now Been revealed that Russian hackers use a Similar tactic to cut the via satellite Access in the early days of the Ukrainian Invasion several thousand Satellite systems that President Zielinski's government depended on were All down making it much tougher for the Military and intelligence services to Coordinate troop and drone movements in The hours after the invasion the ideal Is to erode the communication and Information gathering abilities of the Defender in this Taiwan underwater cable Cut fits into that strategy the unknowns Of this conflict of superpowers are how Bad this will get before the country is Involved reaching the acceptable Resolution at least a tolerance of each Other and how dramatically alliances and
Anti-western Partnerships will carve up The world and its resources it's clear That battle lines are continuing to be Drawn as we reported last week Finland Is seeking to reduce Chinese Imports now Europe's biggest producer of advanced Chip making technology has joined the US With its chips and science act and Restricting China's access to Advanced Semiconductor materials this is Important because chips are vital for Everything from smartphones and Self-driving cars to Advanced Computing And weapons manufacturing and without Them there's a drag on the economy of The country that can't obtain them the Lack of the flow of chips from Taiwan During the pandemic lockdowns is still Impacting the U.S automotive industry to A tune of billions per year also and Here's the actual thinking Behind These Chip and semiconductor restrictions when You cut off or starve a country from Obtaining this Tech you also stifle Their ability to develop repair or Produce military surveillance equipment We'll know whether this has any effect When we see countries like Russia or China buying mature products intended For other purposes to scavenge them for Parts or other equipment well you see a Chip for a blender and a Russian drone Or a chip designed for a smartphone Repurpose for a Chinese spy balloon it's
Clear that China has no intention of Altering its where right at all cost Approach even as technology filled Balloons violate the Sovereign airspace Of other nations just this week a Four-time component of a chang Jing 2D Long March rocket punched through the Atmosphere on Wednesday Over Texas at a 17 000 miles per hour and hopefully Disintegrated if any bit of it landed on U.S soil and Texas we would be covering News of a much different kind here today Even while these measures are being Taken China's Xi Jinping is called for More quickly elevating the armed forces And is committed to a massive spending Increase for the military China has a Clear goal of expansion and economic Growth and it's not really concerned With how that may impact other nations Look I'm not arguing that any political Stance is right or wrong I would think That a Paul see with the nation's growth And focus is probably the right of each Country to establish that self-centered Approach has certainly been a western Philosophy since World War II which has Trounced the opposition what I'm trying To do here is to show you that these Conflicts are deepening and that they Will have ramifications on their future And you should be defining how you prep From our individual vantage point we can Really do nothing to avert the disaster
Of superpowers realigning and clashing With each other all you or I can do is Really prep to be able to weather the Fall out of these inevitable Confrontations every effort you make now To become more self-sufficient or Self-sustaining is going to really pay Dividends in a future where higher Prices trade Wars and even military Conflicts are inevitable what do you Think are we heading into a fight with China or will these relations settle to A simmer before they boil over what are You doing today in anticipation of this Uncertain future let us know your Thoughts in the comments below giveaway For this week's giveaway we're going to Be giving away the survival medicine Handbook from the YouTube channel doom And Bloom now to be eligible for a Chance to win this in the giveaway just Simply post a comment below and click The like button next week I'm going to Use a tool to draw a winner from the Comments on this video randomly I'm not Going to reach out to you unless your Name appears on the screen next week and You must have your email address listed On your about tab of your YouTube Profile now please ignore and Report any Comments telling you that you've won or To contact me through WhatsApp or Telegram because it is not me the last Week's winner of the Fiskars Hatchet the
Winner is a subscriber Jeff Ford I'll Reach out to you shortly to get that Sent to you Russia Ukraine Even as there is a frozen standoff in The ground in Ukraine a fuse is lit for An explosion in late April or May now First let's review some of the more Significant troops and Equipment Movements South Korea has approved a Transfer of howitzers to Ukraine by Granting Poland export license for their Crab self-propelled howitzers the Self-propelled Howitzer combines a South Korean canine Thunder chassis a British BAE Systems turret French Nexus systems 155 millimeter gun and a Polish Fire Control System South Korea probably Hesitant to draw the anger of Russia or By proxy North Korea has benefited from Europe's rush to rearm signing a massive 5.8 billion dollar arms deal with Poland Last year for hundreds of rocket Launchers K2 tanks K-9 self-propelled Howitzers and fa-50 fighter aircraft Romania which may soon be drawn into This conflict plans to buy a battalion's Worth of Abrams tanks from the United States polling close a deal just last April to purchase 4.75 billion dollars Worth of Tanks while this high-tech Weaponry is not on the battlefield in Ukraine yet it's proximity to the war Zone fuels that conflicts Flames Poland
Just transferred 10 more leopard tanks To the Ukraine and the Polish president Reiterates his country's willingness to Transfer all of its operational MiG-29 Fighter jets of the Ukrainian Air Force The only thing really holding them back Is probably assurances that they can Replace the Jets with newer f-16s and That the transfer won't immediately Result in a massive conflict escalation As Russia retaliates that said Russia Doesn't seem to have any problems Sourcing lethal military support from a Host of countries Iran just sent Russia An estimated 100 million bullets 300 000 Artillery shells an ammunition for Rocket launchers grenades and mortars And plans to send more Iran has also Provided Russia with an estimated 2400 Explosive suicide drones in return it is Speculated that Russia plans to send Fighter jets to Iran it is well known That Russia is receiving lethal material Support from North Korea and Syria and Non-lethal surveillance equipment from China a staggering amount of military Equipment is pouring into what is Shaping up to be a World War fought Through proxy according to one recent Report one of the things that won't be Showing up on the battlefield fighting For Ukraine is Afghan Soldiers the Wagner group has recruited soldiers from Afghanistan but the Ukrainian
International Legion is not accepting Afghan Nationals despite hundreds of Applications the fear is a question of Their loyalties because it is well known That the Wagner group is actively Recruiting in Afghanistan it has Presumed that these soldiers may be Spies seeking to infiltrate or even Sabotage Ukrainian forces if any Afghan Soldiers actually end up fighting on the Ukrainian side in the conflict it will Likely be the 150 of those applicants Who haven't verified as members of Afghanistan's U.S trained National Counterterrorism unit these are the Major movements of the pieces on the Battlefield this week as for the Conflict itself Russia carried out a Massive missile strike on Ukraine Killing nine civilians and temporarily Knocking out power in Kiev ten different Regions were across the country and six Of the missiles were Hypersonic cruise Missiles one of moscow's most valuable Weapons thought to be running low in Their inventory Russia is believed to Have just a few dozen of those left Which fly many times faster than the Speed of sound and are able to carry a Nuclear warhead with a range of more Than 2 000 kilometers Russia may be Trying to use the bulk of them up while They're still effective as the US's Promised Patriot missile batteries and
Train Ukrainian troops on their use the Patriot defense system is capable of Shooting down these Hypersonic missiles The Russian defense Ministry said this Strikes were in retaliation for a recent Incursion into the berensk region of Western Russia by what Moscow claimed Were Ukrainian saboteurs Ukraine defense Does not confirm that attack but some Evidence of explosions at this Headquarters is surfacing on the Internet also Ukrainian Special Forces Said Monday that they had destroyed an Unmanned observation tower in the region With a drone strike of their own the Russian volunteer Corps a group opposed Of Vladimir Putin claimed on Thursday That it briefly took control the small Village in the same region now the Missile strike also forced a zafafaria Nuclear power station to go offline as It was severed from the grid and forced Into emergency Diesel power to prevent a Meltdown U.N nuclear Watchdog Chief Rafael Grossi appealed for a protection Zone around the plant stating each time We were rolling a dice and if we allow This to continue time after time then One day our luck is going to run out the Russian economy is showing signs of Suffering budget troubles are now Looming over Russia's economy and the Federal government will find it Increasingly hard to finance the
Onslaught of Ukraine recent estimates Put revenues down 25 percent in just the First two months of 2023. moscow's oil And gas revenues have plummeted 46 Percent in January through February Finally in what is being attributed to Her suspected Cyber attack Russia Broadcasted TV and radio blasted a red Alert in several regions at a nuclear Strike has been conducted please go to Your shelter take your calcium iodide Pills so far the group responsible for The false alarm is unknown and also in The cat category of we made never know German Cersei yacht believed to be Responsible for sabotaging the Nordstrom Pipelines new intelligence suggests a Pro-ukrainian group may have been Responsible in the Brazen attack on the Natural gas pipelines which link Russia To Western Europe really full public Speculation about who was to blame from Moscow to Kiev in London to Washington And it has remained one of the most Consequential Unsolved Mysteries of Russia's year-old war in Ukraine it did Stop the flow of natural gas to Europe Thereby solving the complications of That Revenue stream to Russia it also Probably could not have been carried out Without some level of state-sponsored Support it's not as easy as dragging an Anchor over Taiwanese internet cable on The ocean floor in all seriousness
Though we probably will never know the True culprits of the sabotage but if Anything is clear about this world Conflict centered in Ukraine it is that The quantity of military equipment and Munitions being poured into the areas Like nothing that we've seen in recent History it is that the world Teeters a Little too close to a nuclear accident That will be difficult to contain it is That there does it appear to be any De-escalation or in the conflict anytime Soon if ever there was a reason to Prepare no matter how far removed from The conflict you really feel that you Are these are some pretty good reasons To do so again every step you take and Every measure you put in place a day Will insulate you from future unknowns Given all these recent escalations in The news I hope you continue on your Prepping Journey we've done a lot of Videos over the years on this channel We'll post some links in the comment in The description section below to some Practical videos addressing the issues That we discussed at the beginning of The video regarding Financial challenges That I believe we're going to be seeing And we already are obviously in this Nation again as I say every week and Every time I do these videos I know There's a lot to take in and it can be Overwhelming sitting down and putting
These scripts together writing out the Details of what I want to talk about Because there's a lot happening as we Stay in the video it feels like from This time of tectonic shifts within the World I'm reading a book right now by Peter's on I forget the title I think It's end of the world as we know it and I forget the rest of it but he goes into Great detail explaining this period that We're entering into and there's a lot of Clarity that I'm learning and even Reading and understanding how the world Has been set up for the last whatever You know 60 70 years since World War II And how those structures have been put In place mostly by the west by America For that matter are now being challenged And the world orders that have been Established are now being challenged and They're going to be shifting and it's Going to be challenging to put it Lightly again uh I know there's a lot to Take in I know it can be heavy but Continued repair do what you have to do To get ready as I always said every week Don't go in the debt don't rack up Credit card debt keep yourself out of That please buy food water storage if You're not sure where to start and again Reference the videos that we'll post Below as always stay safe out there