Extreme Survival Kit for Morakniv Eldris Knives

All right all right I swear I won't take All day Doing that doing the intro part oh my Goodness hurry up Start talking Um Tell of three knives attempt three times So I do a lot of leather Craft on the Channel and when I do leather craft I Prefer to do things that are different And when I say custom people ask do you Do leather work for subscribers of Course I do and it has to be something Weird I I don't like doing stuff that's Just kind of normal uh like Plain Jane You know stuff you can kind of get on SD You know I like doing weird stuff like Add a bunch of crazy stuff so I've got The Tale of Three knives you guys like These right It's kind of cool here's the here's the Orange one You know Morris These are really cool Yeah E Breeze ibris I know I'm gonna screw That down butcher names uh I've got Three of them here I picked up some of these I thought they Were kind of neat I know leather craft And then I'm going to include something Like this this is cool because it's got Your whistle This is okay

I kind of calm down let's let's just go Back for a minute here This is one of the knobs I did a while Back and everyone thought this was like The coolest thing since individually Sliced cheese so wrapped cheese or Sliced bread maybe anyway so it's got These like uh this is a fly fishing Magnet for your it's an attachment for Your net when you're Fly Fishing I used To fly fish I got tails for days anyway Um Big fishtails uh there's your magnet it Holds up to like five some hold ten Pounds or six pounds seven pounds it Just depends on which one you get got a Pace counter here I've got some survival Cord uh Over here this is a sun Compass or a Uh a sundial type thing it basically if You hold it up in the light it'll give You the calendar date and time and Everything just by holding up you can Wear it as a ring or you can just put it On I thought it was cool so I just it's A conversation piece Uh this is an OTS I think something like That survival type thing it's got a Uh sharpener it's got your feral rod and It's got a tool for cleaning uh weapons And stuff Um just a simple Bic lighter got to have Your duct tape duct tape will catch fire I don't care who wants to argue with me

I can actually get it to go up with a Feral Rod if you do it correctly you've Got to split it in fine little pieces But it will go up I've done it on the Channel before I had to prove it to Everyone and I can't prove it to Everyone because no one will watch that That video no one cares Uh this is a stay sharp uh uh these Types of tools here I've got a video Just on that sharpening scissors and Stuff but it's really great for your Fell rod It's almost instant um On the inside here I made all this stuff Here made this this has got a full Little survival kit inside of it you Know the tiny one that aggravates you Because it's too small and you drop Everything in the woods and you die Eventually Um there's your compass pretty FD Compass not one of those cheap ones and There's my and I've featured this on the Channel quite a bit uh it's one of my Favorite neck knives I like this thing And you look very Official when you gotta look the part All right so I'm gonna do something like that but This is for my kids my kids uh uh They're always seeing seeing me like Clean rabbits uh because I do that and Cook them and and then uh the other day

This conversation come up they saw me uh I was cleaning uh there was a rooster Getting on my nerves so I decided to Clean it and Um the kids got to experience their First experience with that and they're Like is that really all there is to it Yeah just you know pulling feathers out And stuff and save some of these you Know you might want to make some arrows Out of uh some fletchings but anyways They're experiencing all this stuff and And they're like you know Dad when we When will we get our own knives and I Said you know uh I'll give you some Proper training with a knife and I Figured this would be the right size Nice uh little knife for camping so I Went with something that had a whistle Kids need whistles you got to teach them The lessons of the road uh of the woods And it has an LED light here it also has An SOS Has some other features feral Rod right And you've got your you know other Little attachments here and stuff you Can find these on Amazon but they come With all this hardware and they were Like uh just a few bucks and you can Just I mean it's way cheaper than trying To gather up all these little because I Tried piece parting it I was like hey I Need this I'm going to show you building it in

Just a second it's not that big of a Deal but you might learn something I went with these instead of the uh you Know there's more adult Style and then there's like a kids style So I kind of went with this style here Because it's kind of it's the same same Concept I just might have to Super Glue those Magnets in place because I'm not sure if They're going to hold that grate but There's that I'm gonna go with some Just a backup flashlight I'm doing some I got two o lights And a through night and you can't really Tell the difference The green one's a three night you can't Tell the difference in them they look The same believe it or not I was gonna Do these Uh neck feral Rod I probably won't I Don't know if I will and I've already Started the Cases I know I know I'm procrastinating again you're Gonna get mad these I've already started The cases that's all you got to do you Get them wet tack them down let them set For a while there's the little tins Little survival tins I'm not going to Get too crazy with it just something Simple Um I might throw a couple of fishing

Hooks in there and some uh uh water Purification tablets You gotta have those oh gosh excuse me I had nachos I'm sorry it's my fault all Right I'm gonna get started hang in There this is another version I made a While back It just the way it works it just slips On And they sell these things but they're Expensive like this whole setup it's Like the price of the blade goes up like 50 just by adding Just by adding this it's crazy but this Would just snap here And then I had this real simple pouch I Made and it would just go like that and Then you just lace it up real simple Right I don't want to do that today I Want it to be difficult so I'm doing I had to find some thinner material I Found some scraps it's got a little Sprinkles of all kinds of stuff on it And it looks like I got three They're the perfect sizes to wrap around That's what you need then you got to put Your pouches in place and you've got to Put your flap so I've got to get that Out of the way and also Include a place for a flashlight that Was the other thing I want them to have An extra flashlight that's not like this Little I don't trust these little things Here see that that already fell out

Where is it there it is see what I mean I mean it's cool and all but you've got To pull these You got to pull these tabs first and Then Put them back in place let's turn it Like this looks cool like that I don't know is that going to be upside Down I'm not sure I think this upside Down The way I'm going to build it let's do It like that Watch I probably got it wrong all right Yeah see and it does a little SOS thing Anyways those batteries might not last Long so let's do something a little more Serious So we're going to do the AAA there we go The top part's very tricky because it's Not just a square Because the angle of this You're going to want to see this there's Your top part there's that Brings right about here because that's Going to stop it from falling And then go around to the back And wrap them together try to let's see If I pulled that off Wrap them together like that See how they kind of come together like A line well you're going to be doing uh Afterwards you're going to do some holes And you're going to have to lace that up But first off you've got your pattern so

The best way to get your straight line Straight down from your Is when you want to get this line here When you fold over Just set your ruler on there And then don't use a pin Use your punch To just kind of Mark your leather And get you aligned otherwise your you You might make some mistakes you're Gonna have to cut it off or it's too Short because you've got markings Everywhere Uh and then you get your template made All you got to do if you're making Multiple take your template stick it on Another one cut it out to match repeat Process until you're done with your base And then uh match your base up make sure You put your snaps in first otherwise You're going to Corner yourself and you Won't get You won't be able to get that in there So you're going to want to punch your Hole put your snap in before you mount That otherwise you're going to have a Really hard time doing that I always do That with my projects I do that part First and I also do the flap first Before I even Mount anything so Looks something like this there's your Flips Snaps and I did the holes now I have to

Adhere this to here and get my holes Stitching and we'll of course you're Going to want to put that on first but How you would do that We're gonna show Size it up with the a tin you're going To use Slide it in there Make sure you got some room I know I'm fidgeting now It always goes so much easier doesn't it So you can put it on the inside to hide It that's what I was thinking doing The inside there Let me line it up Mine looks somewhat right just put it in There behind there no one's going to see It it's not going to be seen and then They'll be out of your way when you pop This and you're not trying to fight this To get your tent out it's nice and open In there But there we go the hard part over with Now I've got Paracording to do uh Standard outdoor gear This has got your survival cord fishing Line And snare wire and uh Is it fire cord yeah Snare wire for some line yeah anyway That's all in there and Sell those turned out real simple design I haven't figured out what I'm doing

With the flashlight yet it's hanging There don't know what I'm gonna do with It mounted the compass through the loop And For this all you do is just Clip it just like that same at the top It's got to come down you got to make Room for it or it won't fit And I've got to make a lanyard for the Knife itself It just snaps together like that Pretty nifty crazy crazy design never Made anything that crazy for more before This will be my first and I don't think I've ever seen anything like this I don't think you can find this on SD so Like I said I make weird stuff so Kids are loving it I already showed the Kids they're like that is so crazy it's All in there yep everything you need to Go camping right there uh now like I Said I've got these magnetic things I'm Not using these carabiners I'll lose That in a minute but I'll show you a Wrapping technique when I reach the end Here thing for this you're going to want To do is The obvious Ly something else I don't know if I'm Going to need it or not I probably won't need this but this is My fed I just use It's uh From an old cleaning Rod it's got a

Threaded end Weapons cleaning rod But I might I might need that so I'm just getting prepared for that Moment now just gotta get the knife out These are this will probably slip right Off if I Pull on it It's designed to once it's dry To be able to take everything off of it Wash it put it all back on that's what It's for I wanted these to be able to Slide off so you can slide all this Stuff off and clean your knife case Yeah see way easier So you can see the point coming in there I don't know if it's going to work Last time I had a lot of problems trying To get a Piece of paracord to go through there They put those nice little holes there But They don't tell you How to get them get your paracord Through the hole There's that and then We'll come back Around and I'll gather what I need and Then Let's see one side comes up that's right I'll use one You got two you gotta do two different Two separate things

I'm showing you all this I know I don't Care about the video if it's long I'm showing you all this because I feel Like it's Required Someone's going to want to know how How the man did that crap How did you do that crap that's the key Thing here all right that should be Enough I think that's I think that's Plenty in a survival scenario for the Was it the left side whatever Uh Then we're going to have to do the right Side So I like to come back up here in a Minute Let's try and gather up enough Let's do the other side that should be Enough Scissors Seems tedious but this survival stuff is Should be fun You should be having fun doing this Stuff Even if this is just for yourself and Not your kids I mean you're you're still Having you know you're still having fun Doing this stuff It's not supposed to be hard and crazy And whatever you this stuff takes days For me to make because I have to design This stuff I can't just Uh

I can't just spit this stuff out real Quick That's what I was telling Tops knives because uh I work with them I like doing their sheets sheath designs For these crazy builds I like doing Those and the people who make those Knives those crazy dudes that do the Field testing Special Forces guys and Stuff to hear them come back and say Dude that knife sheep was crazy uh it's Just I mean that's I mean that's all you need right there For me That's all I needed here It's just cool to hear stuff like that So folks To hear compliments from From folks so that's why I don't mind Showing it how much time it takes Because someone out there probably Doesn't have a lot of money and they Can't just afford to buy all this stuff And uh I'm right there with you I have To Uh I have to ask Companies to help me out here and there I wouldn't be able to do this on my own And if it wasn't for the subscribers and And uh patreon and stuff like that I I Wouldn't have any help This stuff costs too much But I like showing this stuff I'm gonna go ahead and get let's just

Get that knife out of the way I don't wanna I don't want anything happening to it While I'm working here all right so That's the way it is that'll work like That now you want to take uh Just take this put the two together and Just go down your line And see Uh where you need to pull see I needed to pull I don't even know if I'm gonna need all This and don't care And whatever you do don't buy Titans the Bible cord Those clowns I Uh a bunch of kids work for those guys They were I don't know what's wrong with those Guys They got a really big attitude with me I Was asking them about some quarters I'm Like what the heck who am I talking to I Felt like I was talking to a child So I don't even do business with Survival court anymore I go to other off Brands It's like really Who are you guys All right I'm sorry I'm distracted all Right I got a line here I don't know Which one I grabbed uh Let's see Let's save the red for the reddish

Actually Let's do blue with that blue blade Let's do the uh let's do the green since That one's got a green flashlight that's All I can do uh we can take these off Now We do not need all this crap Now I just found these these were in a Three pack they were super cheap Uh I got them these are just for the Kids I hope this fits and I don't have to Drill it good I hate that crap All right sizing her up right about There And then let's go ahead and get our Other one going here It's good to show we'll learn something And this is how I do this part now As you were I should probably do some Beads I'm gonna regret it if I don't let me Hang tight I I felt like I was at Mardi Gras and Kind of a weird That's it hey girls give me some beads Like Who you yelling at Oh man Oh boy It's a good thing Joe Biden is in here All right So there's that I know I'm a lot of fun

To work with you could put this on here I just wanted to share it's a spare Feral Rod I with the feral rod that's Already in there it's not required uh I Don't know if these are gonna fit Now this is for the boy so I'm gonna need to do something boy Related But he's probably not going to want his Covered in skulls either let's just Sprinkle some beads down Let's see what I can come up with I know There's a lot of Lucky Charms going on There let's just do like Some yellows and stuff but you're going To make a pace counter you want to you Want to count your pace it's Every other left foot hits the deck you Know count and then from there I know I'm giving a class on Pace County but I Have a pace counting video if you need To see that uh but yeah you know one And you count and you get once you get To like your 100 then you go ahead and Bring one down and then uh when you get All nine of those down you'll have one Side that's got nine get all those nine Down then that's you put that's your 100 And you pull your other one down and you Start over again uh to get to uh exactly A mile I have to put five because you Won't get to a mile using four so it's Cuts you short so to get the mile you're Gonna have to add a fifth bead to the

Right side that you drop down so I know I had to I had to learn I just Learned that in the civilian world uh From doing this sort of stuff And I wanted to I just wanted to know While I was hiking as well What is it how do you get to you know How many beads do I need to get to a Mile so I would need five on the other Side nine uh is your pace Uh every 100 count drop anyways like I Said I've got a video for that it Explains in better detail instead of Uh just kind of spit it out all right so Right now I'm gonna get these beads on And then I'm going to show you the rep All right so I've got some beads in Place here for the pace counter and I Think I went in the right spot let's Hope so Uh that's the size I just used one of my Kids next To help me out with that So there's that one and then I need to Come over here and put this on this side Just get it out of the way you know You kind of have an idea That way I don't lose my place So I want them to be the same Like that Like that So They kind of line up correctly There's all that cord

It's fun to battle the magnets I'm Telling you All right now it's out of my way so Here's your wrap all right Uh see if I can remember how to do this It's been a while All right so you're going to take this Extra cord and just start folding it Into itself like this And this I'm gonna make like this long Because you're going to have a lot of Extra cord now That should be enough for a survival Scenario that you don't want it too Thick And you just take this and then you just Go like that And just start wrapping All right So get to where you can actually work With it That showed wrapping on the last one I Showed you guys how to do the sailor's Braid I don't know somebody wanted to know now See I'm just wrapping it but it's tight It was tight All right so Up and over you just continue that And then you just you reach the end You'll reach the end I'm going to show You when I get to the end Now when you get to the end You're Gonna

Wanna I hope I did this right and I didn't Screw this up We've got one of these like I said This makes life a little bit easier Hey kid help me out I know Let's go have you screw this on here Because I could All right Through It might help All right now where's my Polaris These are going to come in handy for This next project all right uh it's one Of these one of these is gonna pull it Tight or it's gonna slide So you just have to figure out which One's which Okay that's lid I found the one that makes it slide Let's pull it back Now Let's get the other one There we go That's the one that pulls it tight See now it's nice and tight And it's not going to go anywhere And you can take this off now Put your scissors Cut off your excess I know I wasted a Lot of it didn't I Yeah That's not enough to lace your boot with

You'll be all right You can barely Tie your britches together with that Like Jethro All right I wanted it to be flush It's it's going to be a long time before Anyone ever tears it apart All right so now Let me kind of Pull It in a little bit Right up there there Pulls off now I have to do the same Thing over here same exact distance You're going to do the same exact Distance I'll bring it to you so you can See it you're going to do the same exact Distance now it's adjustable you can Actually bring this up and down if the Your neck gets bigger or whatever you Need it to Sag lower all you do is just Pull it out and it'll bring down I'm Going to put a little more slack in the Other side so it gives it a little bit More weapon around all right But real quick I want to make sure I Said this it start from the top where Your lanyard connection is Don't start from the bottom you're It won't end up the same it kind of gets Screwed up because you won't have the Two to pull it's easier to just go to The bottom Anyways that makes sense and see now I Just boom Perfect

Designed and then to if I need to take Some Make an adjustment for the next size Just give it a pull If I want it wider And just pull it again So it works just like that You stop acting crazy all right there's That one I gotta finish the rest of them Now Probably show it better now it's hard to Get the right light all right There they are This is got a little blue lanyard here One girl child here And it's a little bit thinner wrap For the girls One girl child here And then one boy child His is a little bit thicker And I did his in a standard bead and I'm Pretty sure he didn't want butterflies On his Anyways Well sums it up I did a reverse So the flashlight will shine down as They're walking and the lanyards can Like connect it here so they can't lose It and then if they need to they just Uncouple it Slide it up and it just comes right off Then you take it off Pretty cool huh It's some butterfly beads

For those of you a nice little glitter Bead over here These all glow in the dark these do I Think both of those do It's the only ones I could find these Are just mixed Random whatever's But yeah put all their little initials On each one of those just all you have To do is take that off you know you just Run it through here Had one of the kids help me do that Pretty cool All right I hope you guys enjoyed it Hope it helps out hope you make a Project please share like subscribe all That cool stuff rainbows and unicorns God bless take care

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