On today's episode of survival dispatch Reviews we're joined by Howard Murray The founder of waterfall and the creator Of the waterfall water barrel [Music] Guys today's video is brought to you by Warrior land I've got one of their Awesome products here this is the Warriorland wl1 it's an EDC style light Military grade aluminum built to survive A drop from 10 feet onto a hard surface You have 10 350 and 1600 lumens of Illumination it is rechargeable and it Is excellent excellent you know water is A really top of mind uh you know topic For Preppers and survivalists uh I'll Just get one thing out of the way right Off the bat uh you did not pay survival Dispatch to promote your product or have You on the show correct we did not okay And we don't even have an affiliate Relationship for that matter no we do Not Okay so just to give people a visual I Think what we'll do is we'll just Quickly cut to some b-roll that Denny Did so they can see your barrel uh the Barrel that you sent us for us to demo And uh after that b-roll plays uh we'll Get the full uh nine yards from you on The history of your company and how this Product came to Market perfect hey guys Danny Chapman here for survival dispatch With a very Innovative yet simple water
Storage device here this is the Water Full spelled water with f-u-l-l uh water Storage system and it's really really Cool 30 gallons of water by the way That's enough water to sustain a family Of four for seven days and it's such a Simple operation you simply hook it up To your home water source it does come With a pressure valve and an RV type Water filter so your water comes in here It fills up 30 gallons of water the Outputs on the other side and here's the Deal the more you you use this water Source through this Barrel the more Fresh water circulates in the barrel it Does come with a tee so if you want a Little higher pressure come right Directly off your water shorts you can Do that as well but what an awesome very Simple and yet Innovative device it is Food grade plastic so you don't have to Worry about chemicals or other things Getting into your water system and like I said The more you use the output off Of the Water full Barrel the the more The water will refresh and you've got 30 Gallons of fresh water in Reserve at all Times as always we'll have a link so you Can check out learn more about the Waterfall water storage system all right Howard and now that that's out of the Way give our viewers an idea of the Background of your company what Motivated you to create the waterfall
Water barrel and uh and we'll start There I can talk for hours but I'll try And keep it short Um it started years ago it actually Started uh the the State of Florida had A big had the most impact on me um In the early 2000s there was a Hurricane Charlie that happened to to Florida for Or the Floridians and then maybe the Ones some remember it some don't Um but I looked at that and I looked at The news Um over here in Southern California in The high rise in in my office and um I'm Looking at people lined up for water Before the storm came uh the storm came And went a few days later and I looked At the news and there's lines for water And it really stuck with me at that Point and I said you know this is the Greatest country on Earth why do we Continue to do the same thing over and Over and over again Um you know Innovation you don't Continue to do the same thing over and Over again and expect different results So it it got in my craw as they would Say and um another five eight years went By and it hit me while I was watering my Back lawn and I thought okay there's Three things that I have to do in order If I want to help the world uh with this This device that I hope to make Um I have to eliminate the air I have to
Circulate the water and I have to Pressurize this thing while I was Watering my back lawn I looked at the Garden hose and I said this is the Answer the garden hose the garden hose Eliminates the air circulates the water And it has a good pressurized system That holds the water if you turn off the Nozzle at one end well that was easier Than said it took us a good three years To develop this WOW a lot of doors shut On me a lot of phone calls that uh you Know uh people basically Um it was pretty hurtful Um here I was trying to to express Express my my my my uh ideas to them Um and I thought I would get a better Reception now I was I was paying some of These folks uh just to talk to them Um one I'll give you an example we were Driving on the on for those familiar With Southern California we're driving On the 60 Freeway with my wife early one Morning I had a A conference call with a with a Professor Plastics Professor I knew I Had to use plastic And basically what I heard was Um this can't be done and you're not the Guy that's going to do it if it were if It were to happen Um there were so many restrictions on Plastic at that point I knew I had to go Plastic it couldn't be metal it couldn't
Be fiberglass it couldn't be any of that Stuff it had to be plastic because it Had to be drinkable Um and that was the that was the one Thing I'm here in Southern California And uh the rest of the the the the union Goes with California prop 65 which is a Very strict rule for drinking and and Eating for that matter So it took me some time I had some background in in the law Field I'm not a lawyer but I had access To lawyers and I I hired actually hired Um he's a really good friend of mine Um uh he was a young attorney at the Time and I hired him he had left our Firm and I said Sean I have no idea how I'm gonna do this but I'm going to send You a retainer and I'll call you I don't Know when I'll get this done but I will And two years passed and he called me Back and he said Howard I have your Retainer I'm at a different Law Firm What are you doing and I said I'm still Working on it Sean I'm still working on It so I I took some plastic courses I Have a background I have an aviation Background School Uh I have my contractor's license for For woodworking Um and I have no plastics degree Whatsoever so if I had a learning curve I had to take some courses I had to meet Some people and in meeting some people
It led me to a gentleman Um he has since uh passed away but uh Bruce Mueller he was actually there in Living there in Florida at the time of Hurricane Charlie Um I talked to him and he says you know This has never been done before what You're trying to do is you're trying to Push the the uh dynamics of plastic and What he invo is involved with at the Time or you know She is a designer and a consultant for Rotational molding plastic so that's Unlike the plastic that we're used to Um I'm looking at your headset Chris There and that is is is a thermoforming Plastic that's plastic that's in the Sheet and they press it down real hard And so on and so on Rotational just out of curiosity you Know what would have happened if there Wasn't a prop 65 and you had to use some Other type of plastic what would the Effects be on the product on the water In particular drinkability drinkability Drinkability Um I was told that uh drinkability was a Number one and I could have went with Different Technologies Um but the drinkability we would have Never been able to sell it in California And a lot of states are following prop 65 now so Um also would have been a like a purity
Issue or a taste issue or both Um both uh Purity taste um uh uh Chemical issue uh so many things every Single part that touches that Barrel is Uh is is uh potable potable is Necessarily drinkable by some standards But it's a generic word that we use Potable but sometimes Coca-Cola is Technically not drinkable but that being Said Um We got the barrel Um I found my designer and he said okay This is going to cost you a lot of money What do you want to do let's give it a Shot let's hire a designer let's go for This so I talked to my wife and I drain My 401k Um and we went for it Um we we got our first design in and and And when when I talk about getting our First design and we had to make molds For this Um I'm going to skip back to rotational Molding just really quick okay Rotational molding is a is a is a form If you if you picture an egg and you cut That egg in half on its on its Lengthwise If that would be the mold you would then Take that egg and you can split it at Any given time then you hook it up to This machine it has an arm on both sides It hooks up on each side of the egg then
You can open that egg and drop the Powder of plastic in it close that egg And then the machine rotates uh with Uses centrifugal force within and it Rotates it rotates on all different Axises now that arm gets pushed into a Big uh oven the size of an average Garage usually and it's up in the 400 500 Degrees depending on what your Product is and it spins and it spins and It spins and it spins for 15 minutes it Comes out cools comes around it cools Some more comes off so it literally Takes an hour to make one so that's what Rotational mold is molding is if you Look at kayaks the plastic kayaks that You see when you go uh in water that's Rotational molding um they have the Ollie that's coming out they have so Many things that are being produced with Rotational molding because they can they Can sustain the impacts State there They're much stronger one piece even Though you see a seam it's when the egg Is cracked open getting back to the Barrel that so once we figured out we Had to use rotational molding we made it We made a um we made a barrel Um it had some flaws that was our 101 Barrel Um fifty thousand dollars down the drain Because it it literally 50 to 70 to 80 000 per mold to make one so you better Get it right so three modes later we got
It right Um so you know the the expense in just Making the barrel now granted we could Have went to China we could have went to Mexico But we just didn't trust the product Coming back that it was going to be made With the with the quality that we wanted And we wouldn't be able to test it Literally so we would get whatever we Got and and that was getting back to Your question so many people said why Don't you make it in China why don't you Make it in China why not make it in China and I said I want to go to the Manufacturer and be able to touch it and Smell it and see it and that's the only Quality right on trust so that was it we Started off in Gardena California we're Now up to Madera California Um and and we're making them there now So we're making them in California Um we're not making it we would love to Go to a another state we would love to Branch out and possibly go to Texas or Arizona even Florida but rotational mold Rotational molding is not a a Um an average Joe sort of uh you know Topic that people talk about and people Use that sort of thing so you know we Have some restrictions with this product It kind of sounds like the difference Almost between forged and cast metal you Know a lot more cohesiveness in the in
The Forge stuff so yes yes and the Quality of the metals that are used by Who's going to test that I mean you know I again Woodworking and if you go into Woodworking they talk about uh chisels And and the quality of metal that you Use and the temperature that you heat Them up to they all do different things Um and but you can't see that if you're Not going to the manufacturer to see What they're actually So that was one of the big musts Um I was adamant I was very um I I was very uh pee-headed about it um I Wanted it made here in the states so That was kind of uh yeah it was good for Us but you know in in trying to to keep The the prices down people don't Understand that it's it's pretty pricey To make things here in the states Um as you know I you get stuff made in The states and and people will see the The price and that's the first thing They see they don't see the quality and Time and Engineering that it takes to go You know and try to keep the jobs here Is a big deal for me yeah no that's Fantastic I think a good part of that Though varies by regions across the Country I've done some work in the past With our Economic Development Committee Here in Volusia County Florida and I the Cost of manufacturing the southeast is Quite a bit cheaper than anywhere else
In the country the problem is is trying To find a Workforce that has the skills That are necessary so this has been Underway for a number of years the Economy has been getting much more Sophisticated here in the Southeast but Company have had to go into high schools And coax these young people by saying Listen if you come in we'll pay you Twenty five dollars an hour if you sign A five-year contract we'll get you Trained as a machinist tool and die Maker and at the end of five years you Know you'll be making a hundred thousand A year and your friends have got a Useless degree will have hundreds of Thousands dollars in debt and you'll be Buying your first house yeah but that It's been a long slow process for Manufacturers here it has and and one of The things I mean I've I've seen Motivational speakers and and you know Um everyone from from from the bottom on Up and uh one of the we went to Houston A Plastics convention and uh getting Back to what you said about their labor Um in rotational molding the labor is Aging out these guys are in their 50s Now and uh the young young kids don't Want to stand in a room with the hot Furnace and whatnot so you know that's One of the things that we have to look At and and I certainly don't want to go To a robotics unit because I want to
Keep the job jobs here Um but you know I just want to have a Good product here I want to be able to Say It's Made in in the U.S and and it's Going to be good to go I mean it has Some some restrictions but it's going to Be good to go and uh when you do Understand uh what the product is and What it's going to do for you you fall In love with it Um I I have I I look at mine all the Time and I just see it and I say I'm Doing my best I'm trying to get it to The world and I'm you know please don't Be mad at me I'm trying my best here I'm Trying to get to the Chris's and and and And the the others like Chris of the World to see this product um we've been Dormant for the last uh three years Because we've been dealing with the Military so we're we've come out of the Gate swinging again so you know we're Hoping that that our audience will see It and and fall in love with it as as Well as I have Uh so I was here for Charlie and we had No power for three weeks uh not too far South of us a New Smyrna Beach there Were areas that had no power for three Months Um it it when Hurricane Matthew hit us Uh 2016 I believe Um we had no power for about a week but We had no water for three weeks so a
Sewer Main and a water main burst beside Each other and the entire city Supply Was contaminated so if you watch our Channel at all you'll see that we a lot Of discussion around the power grid Going down or first world country third World power grid Um and that's kind of a specialty focus Of ours but from first-hand experience You know from right here in Hurricane Central having no power sucks especially When you have no way you see in Florida But having a water sucks even more it's Absolutely terrible so you know when you Reached out to us in the first place to Send us one of your barrels uh you know We felt it was intriguing because we've Been there we've gone an extended period Of time no water and you just don't Realize how much you depend on it until You don't have it anymore right right Exactly and and that's what I was trying To I was preaching to the choir for so Many years Um again like I said we did a pivot to The military so I wasn't dealing with The private sector the uni But people didn't quite understand the Pain that they will go through and it's Not necessarily the water itself it's Getting the water there's been some Vicious stories that I've heard and I'm Sure you can you can verify this with With the way people will turn when bad
Things happen to good people Um we we all hope that we're going to Stop at the stop sign and and you know Let people cross the street but that's Not really going to happen and and the Water the water is an issue because you Need to survive with water the problem Is is getting it and and and maintaining It Um who wants to go out and and dump out Their 55 gallon drums every three four Five months depending on where you're at The climate that you're in in getting Back to the story we finally did the Barrel and here's a little antidote Anecdote for for you um Bruce who lives in Florida he went Through Hurricane Charlie and he says Howard I had a well well he had a well He had a pool he had a pump He had water stored He says when I got back they had to Evacuate in their motorhome uh they were In Palm City he said I had nothing the Water in my pool was tainted and I Couldn't filter it he says my well was No good because I'd had no power to get The the water the house was all tore up So he had to live in his his motorhome He said where were you and here he is The guy helping me design the barrel uh You know so many years later he says This thing is is a no-brainer But Ultimately uh the guy from Whittier that
Stood on his soapbox that said bad Things are coming I don't know what it Is but we better get prepared like our Grandparents did Um it's here now sometimes it takes me 20 minutes to explain our product to Someone sometimes it takes 10 seconds And the light bulb goes off and once That light bulb goes off they are now Our champion because they understand it And they explain to the next person into The next person into the next yeah I Don't know if you're familiar with the Name Chris weatherman but I think maybe We did discuss him at some point Previously Um he's he's fond of saying we're never More than three missed meals away from Anarchy you know you could probably Steal that and say something along the Lines of we're never more than three Days without water away from the end of The line or something like that uh you Know because it's typically the case I Think that uh you know just from uh Floridian's perspective that anybody who Has gone an extended period of time Without water would immediately get the Value proposition so you know it's worth Saying we've had your barrel for a Little while we've had a chance to Utilize it that uh once you get it Assembled and have it set up the way you Want it say if you wanted to you know
High pressure off one side for washing Vehicles and low pressure for the Waterfall on the other side and you're Using it you know to water your plants In your yard whatever the case may be It's a set and forget solution right you Know so it's like having uh you know Insurance that no matter what happens With this next hurricane no matter what Happens if the municipality you know has A hiccup for whatever reason you got 30 Gallons of water no matter what and then Like you said you know potability you Know could come into play and whatnot But uh personally you know everything For us in our audience is really Predicated on prepping and survival so I'll be honest with you I'm not really Fond of water purification products out There a lot of it is is a Uh I think there's a lot of products out There that promise and under deliver and I think I think there's a fair bit of Fraud in that industry to be quite Frank With different types of filters and so On and so forth I know I mentioned this Product to you the portal well before And you know this little Father and Son The father's retired nuclear engineer I Think he came at this whole thing the Right way and that it couples really Well with your product because He he made this these canisters so they Handle standard size filters so you have
Your choice of where you want to buy the Filters what kind of filters you need Based on your water supply you know Maybe you've got a heavy chlorine you Know uh taste and smell from your City Supply then you can put the right Filters in this so for us you know part Of our hurricane preparedness now is We've got your Barrel we've got 30 Gallons of water in it and if that water Needs to be treated then we can hook it Up to this device and we can cycle it Through once twice three times whatever Because I think what's lost on a lot of People is that water purification is a Very complex subject It's not like you go out and you buy This countertop water filter and you put Your water in it and you hit the button And you've got good water it doesn't Work that way so Um In getting in getting to filtration and And the and the uses of the barrel Um we were approached by a lot of people And and they asked us to do to do Different things with the barrel and and It's very expensive just to change even A letter on the barrel so we had that we Had to stick within our boundaries and Our knowledge base Um The filtration that you bring up uh in Meeting a lot of these people in
Military people will give you some crazy Ideas and they say hey can you throw it Off a ship hey can you you know push it Out of an airplane can you do all these Things how are this is right great but Can it do this it's kind of like well I Got I got I got the I got the the device To to become gum but now you want to put It in a lollipop I don't know how to do That but Um one of the big things that That Came Upon Us in talking to the military they Said Don't tell anyone but there's a big deal With with uh tainted water Um sourced water being tainted by the Time it gets to the bases Um can you filter the water and I said I Don't know but I'll get back to you in In talking to uh Camco one of our Suppliers they said we got we got the we Got the deal for you we've got a compo Filter and getting back to the Father-son uh device there We we hooked up the filter Um before the water goes into the barrel Which means that now you have 30 gallons Of filtered water this is this is Filtered water Um people were amazed at that and I said Well it's restricting down the pressure A little bit more because people that Understand filtration Need to know that you've got to push
That water through the filter that's why A lot of waters cannot be filtered They're gravity fed or they're low Pressure and whatnot it's got a the Water's got to push through so um we got The water to push through the filter and It goes into the barrel now we're Restricted by the by the four or five Thousand gallons that that filter will Will start to fail at we all need Filtered water now I think I think if You just go with the premise that Whatever water you're drinking you Better make sure it is what they say it Is Um and well These canisters here in this bucket is Full of multiple different types of Filters to uh so you can utilize what's Necessary for your water supply so yeah If you have a chemical issue carbon Filter is good but if you have a lot of Particulate then you you probably want To look at a ceramic filter and you know And if it gets worse Beyond then you it Has a lot of biological stuff in it you Might want to look at UV And the carbon filter and the you know The ceramic filter won't necessarily get Solutes so stuff that has dissolved so Now you get into reverse osmosis I I I've had way too much of an Education on this subject when I was Much younger that I never wanted uh
Because because I built a house about Three lots built a house in the country And I put a dug well in so it had to be X amount of feet away from my septic bed The neighbor's septic beds so on and so Forth I had no choice where to put this Well we dug it up and there had been an Old house there a century home that had Burned down and as far as we knew the Septic bed was in the back where we were Putting the new one for this custom home I was building when we dug the front Yard up it was a bunch of 50 gallon Drums joined together with holes punched In them that was used as a make sure Yeah so we excavated the entire yard Spent a small fortune on 5 8 Limestone Rock uh and then this is a 1994. I spent Over ten thousand dollars on water Treatment at that particular point in Time a bunch of the stuff we've Mentioned plus oxygenating it so on and So forth the the smell that came out of The all was horrible to start with and Then of course that all kinds of Bacteria cauliforms stuff like that was It was a it wasn't in the budget right So I had this budget to build this house And this much for the well and the Septic and next thing you know the Budget is completely destroyed because Of that so I I know the pain of having Bad water or no water and I as I think About your product actually Howard like
I think in Florida and maybe the Gulf States where many of us have experienced Extended periods of time with no water That those types of people those people Have those experiences will get it Pretty quickly of the value that's Brought to the table Um and I think probably like from a Messaging perspective it's important for People to know that you invested in the Right components so that the water Tastes okay that the water doesn't have All kinds of extra chemicals in it that Have leached out of the plastic so on And so forth and it can withstand the Elements outside you know a lot of Plastics break down in UV light and I Can tell our audience you know I'm not a Plastics Guru or genius or anything like That that but your plastic is Substantial I mean the lid that goes Over the top and everything it's heavy Duty yeah yeah and the Plastics guy That's got uh uh owner that that first Saw it he says this thing is a tank you Can probably drop it out of a plane I Said well that's what the military said Um that's funny it it it's it's Um The the water the getting back to the Filtration Um The filtration is is is key to to our Our
Good water in good water out bad water In bad water out so that was one of the Key things that I had to make sure that I stressed with folks that if you have Bad water as you were saying It's only going to store bad water for You so you you have to make sure that The water is bad Um in in saying that I've had a few people tell me now They've had some instances where they Had uh you know uh water water Alerts and all they had to do was go Back to their barrel turn off the source Water and put their hands up in the air And say I'm done because if the if They're if their water is Tainted and And and the the municipality says Hey We've got tainted water at 12 o'clock Noon on a Monday on a Monday And you didn't use your water your water Source the therap the barrel for the Last week well that water in the barrel Even without a filter has not gotten That tainted water in it because it has Interesting through the unit Um and that was one of the big things And another uh thing about the barrel Was when we talked to folks in Louisiana We presented there in one of the Conferences we heard some horrific Stories from Katrina just horrific Stories and uh somebody asked us hey Uh during flooding what does your Barrel
Do and I said I have no idea what our Barrel does so you know the military had Talked to us and said hey can we throw It off a ship and I said you know what I'm going to throw this thing in a pool And so let's see what it does and we Threw it in a pool we we Um we evacuated a gallon or two of water And and it floated and darkness if it Was the only thing that that uh that Floated Um during a hurricane When we test it we tested the barrel we Went we took this barrel and and we beat It up we took it to San Diego there's a A Sandy wind tunnel testing there and um I was afraid to do it because you know You're always afraid of failure when you When you use you're afraid that your Wife's not gonna like the color that you Paint the room there's always some Caveat to something right So I took it we took it down to the team Went down to the San Diego wind tunnel Testing and and we put it in the room Now I'm talking to the owner of the of The Wind Tunnel test there and they test Uh you know small planes and they test The Teslas for for wind resistance and All sorts of other things and he says I've never seen anything like this so we Took the lid off and he says we're Taking this thing straight up to 100 Miles an hour and I said whoa hold on
Here I don't know what it can do and he Says well I know it's going to do better Than a 55 gallon drum and you're talking About hurricanes and storms and and Flooding they tested a 55 gallon drum Full and it started to walk at 95 miles An hour very interesting all the folks That have 55 gallon drums out when the Storm hits they're going to walk unless They're on the side of a house or Protected somewhere Um they're gonna start walking Um and he says we had to shut it down Because they would it was just going to Make a big mess there he took our Barrel Up to 100 miles an hour and I'm watching This in the video I can send this video Video later it goes up to 110 115 it's Going up in increments we're videotaping The thing And then at about 147 miles an hour it Flies off and I my heart stops and I'm Just like Oh I'm a failure this is the Worst thing that ever happened to me the Darn thing three miles an hour from a CAT5 right at 150. right so The darn thing rolls they have some some Protectors back there so it uh if Something does fly off it doesn't go Into the big uh propellers back here and Shira our Barrel rolled down Um on its on its belly And shared one of those supports busted The bolts off and I thought oh my gosh
This is really bad I'm gonna burn this Tape this is this is not good this is Really not good so we walked down there And it's not leaking and I'm puzzled at That I'm thinking the thing's not Leaking it's it's what happened here the Owner um I'm beside myself at that point total Failure and the owner pulls me to the Side and says Howard you know this went Beyond a cat three Cat four had held its Weight everything fails at 147 miles an Hour he says houses are going to be gone Volkswagens are going to be flying over There and you're saying that you want Your Barrel to withstand that he says it Is is not going to happen so it what I Thought was a complete failure turned Into a a positive on our end again it's One of those things that you say okay You were kicked down you didn't get Picked on Shark Tank they took the three Quarters of a million away from you but There's so many positive things that Happened and then once I showed that to Some military folks they said oh my gosh You spent all this money and you chance That you took a chance on your product Because it could have failed but you Took the chance it did fail But it failed at 147 miles an hour so The owner says you were at withstand With a constant 142 143 he says that is Amazing that is serious that it it held
Its own it was the weight it's built Like a bullet and so after getting back To that we talked to some folks and they Said hey we're in Hurricane Zone here We're in flooding Zone we're going to Hook it up to our our spigot When when when the disaster is is upon Us we're gonna evacuate a gallon or two Walk it up take the lid off and head for The hills and when we come back we're Going to be the only ones with fresh Water we can actually if we have a boat We can take it to the edge of the of Wherever the bank wherever they're at But the the people that we talk to that We we have sold in these areas they say Howard there's no water you can't get The trucks in to bring water you can't Get water from your water hose you can't Get water from your pool Everything's out but if you can assure People that the water will be there when They get back the first thing people Want to do is they want to get back to Their house that they you know that they Built Um that they live in their kids grew up And that's what they want to protect and How can they do that if if you know they They have no water So before we wrap up just something just Occurred to me Um What are the options for a northern
Climate So Northern climate that's a little Trickier We Can't Stop Mother Nature With freezing Um we we have Nate up in in Um in Canada and he has two of them a Canadian prepper Um he brings them in uh during the Winter and he takes him out and he hooks Him up to his garden system and he's got Two of them he's got him Daisy chained He asked asked about daisy chaining okay Nate has had that those for uh going on Three years and that was version 2.0 We're now on on 3.0 so okay you know We've got to talk to him about the about The 3.0 but um he brings them in Um some people have brought him into the Garage in the cold climates you know They asked us about covering them up and Keeping them warm Um I can't stop mother nature I all I Did was was pressurize this thing and Make sure that it will work that is that May be version 5.0 but but uh yeah Mother Nature with with uh you know Freezing conditions will will Um Will restrict it now the barrel is rated At 33 degrees and all the way up to 140 Degrees so people ask me what about the Warmer climates we always suggest put it In the shade if you're in the Arizona or The Nevada area what not
Put it in the shade the barrel is mixed In with UV inhibitors so you know we've Had them out for for years now and the Color it's it's they're not even fading So um again those are those are uh FDA Approved um uh uh chemicals in there if You want to call them chemicals so That's that's the way we we combat that We're looking at 750 800 uh to the Customer's doorstep right now and if you Can give us a discount code to put in The description how much of a discount Can you offer uh you know people at this Time uh right now we could we could Probably go with fifty dollars okay this Is one of those things that um I haven't seen anything like it and Nobody's ever mentioned something like This to me but once people in at least This part of the country uh see this and Hear uh how effective it is uh you'll Start to get some traction and hopefully Economies of scale kicks in and uh you Can tell the guys at Shark Tank you know You Shoulda Woulda Coulda I have to tell You thank you so much for doing this Again this is my first interview other Than Shark Tank and you know I did Present in in DC in front of the dod you Know Pentagon people but but this is a Different animal and I just want to say Thank you so much for the opportunity And we just want to change the world our Mission is is to get everybody water
Prepared and uh just to make it easy Just to make it easy we frequently get Asked what's number one on the list for Preppers it's water every time water's Number one so listen I already Appreciate you coming on uh for Everybody else watching the video if you Could like share comment subscribe all That good stuff helps with the algorithm And we really appreciate it thanks again Howard thank you Chris for having me Thank you [Music]