Darn it Welcome back To SOS what what are you doing We're gonna do this Come here so I can uh sever something And show people how to Do trauma I thought I hid that from you Nope you ready give me your arm it'll Hurt us for a minute [Applause] Yeah all right no fun Okay people sippy is here to help you With your trauma organization time So You got a big bag What do we do You have a big bag you just you just Throw everything in there like I do I Just I like to put everything in there No you you never know I mean Just in case right Can I can I put my Glock 19 in there oh Sure Why not okay Well you share because sharing is caring I'm going to share for the bigger bags And trust me when And there's blood squirting in your face And you're like shoot what do I do What's the first thing you notice on This bug where's your eye go first Here this compartment so First thing of course you want to do is You know Elevate and you're going to
Want to apply pressure but if it's Squirting you hit an artery You want a tourniquet So that's where I put my tourniquet I'm Actually grabbing a second tourniquet Because people tend to have stubborn Arteries sometimes and it takes two Tourniquets do you wanna do you wanna Actually do you want to put one on me I don't know people or okay I just want To make sure in case anybody wants to Know Right but it's fine it is yeah I'm not too concerned with the Nasopharyngeal airway so I'm just going To take that out of there and I'll just Keep a pressure bandage in the front So there you go Tourniquets should always be The first thing if something's squirting Out now if it's just regular like just Copious amounts of blood that's pouring Out then you would take your pressure Bandage apply pressure Elevate and if It's still seeping through then yeah you Want to do your tourniquet for any Uncontrolled bleeding so you know that Goes back to learning in the trauma Class And control bleeding Trump's Airway Every time That's the big deal give me some help With that Queen Between
Trauma and regular emergency crisis I Just want to miss I can't multitask too well so we're just Gonna put that on the side for now and Then I'm going into my second pouch Which is like readily Available screaming excuse me And then we're moving on to like the Gauze and non-adherent pads okay Switches which is good I'll take that Because then you want to wrap it and Reinforce any bleeding Um blood-filled soak pads But do I need a tool mode no I don't I don't need a whistle unless I'm alone and that's my safety call and I need help I don't need a pen line I Don't need tweezers or a thermometer Because if they're bleeding they're Actively dying and I don't care what Your temperature is right now Uh yes quick clot definitely I want that In the front so if my pressure is not Working my tourniquet's sort of slowing It down I would just go ahead and put The quick clot I'd take that Um that soaked filled blood gauze off And I just go ahead and apply the quick Cloth Dressing in it Do I need Band-Aids no If you're not going to find anything It's funny how they put these in trauma Kits like it's got to have a Band-Aid
When like that uh that one day I cut Myself you witnessed me cut myself with A really sharp knife when I was cleaning An animal and it was actually my God it Was a vein and You you did stuff I I had no idea I'd I Would have I would have anybody else Would have panicked you know what I mean Like but you were there yeah you were Just like uh chill out homeboy and you Just you're not bleeding that bad you Just wrapped me up and freaking it Sealed up yeah crazy yeah anybody else Probably would have freaked out probably You know and it just goes back to what We know and what we think we know And someone who does it every day like You in the ER Yeah you're not so shell-shocked yeah You're just like chilling homeboy you're Saying it's okay like shut up yeah you Can walk that off that's not that big of A deal it's not like you got your little Thumb artery or anything but I mean you Know you've seen people completely Almost slashed their hand in half and It's just like oh my gosh what do I do I've had people running help me I Believe it squirting it all over Everybody everybody in the face and You're just like okay Lower your extremity even though you're Not really supposed to but for my sake Lower it
Um So these are nice you got your little Zip swing closures Um you know kind of more for hand and Superficial and then it's nice having Dermabonds just a little I think this Zips would come in handy if I was alone By myself and set those to the side so If I was by myself and I had Zips that Would probably come in handy for closing Up a wound without having help yep I Don't have anyone to help me so Yeah exactly yeah it'd be good to be Good I'll stop interrupting oh yeah You're fine Um I've got shears on the side because That's the first thing you're going to Want to get to is if you see somebody Bleeding through their clothes is you Want to cut that away and see what the Heck's going on so that's nice to have That kind of readily right there and Then just I have an extra pair right There is fine add decompression needle Only for those who are actually Certified to use those for your lungs so And wouldn't worry too much about that So I'm just gonna go ahead and put my Gauze And Um Just keep that in the front because I Swear you can never have too much gauze In the front so
Control major bleeding right away and Then this is like reinforce Right here in the front so that's how it Should kind of always be set up if you Don't have just a little bag that's just Dedicated to trauma stuff only this is Kind of like a everything I mean we Didn't use little Band-Aids and stuff and our jump bags in The EMS world All right so because I mean if you're Panicking you're like oh crap where's my Zippers at there you go yeah That's to open it all up then and then This is kind of like your big one that You get into This is kind of just the stuff like okay I've got my bling controlled now what Okay my patient we're going into shock Full pack yeah good idea pull it back Yeah that's good and then You've got your fresh rinses and stuff That doesn't have to be just used for Eyes right and you can use it for other Stuff right oh yeah you can just use it For washing off if you've got like a lot Of leaves debris dirt on it I mean but In all honesty if they're bleeding heavy Just pack it all in with everything else Because they'll clean it out in surgery Later So I mean this stuff is just extras Sucking chest Wing Um because I mean if a patient has a
Second chest when they're not going to Die immediately from this uh type of Injury so this is just something I keep In inside the big bag Um you get to one situation at a time You could be dealing with somebody who's All banged up yes you're having to like Run through the paces to stop the Bleeding first yep so this is just all Kind of like secondary items just extra Reinforcement pressure and you guys you Can build these kits yourselves just if You just pay attention to what she's Showing you you'll know exactly what to Get your hands on to put in your kit Yeah it's much cheaper that way because Some of these kits go of upward of what Was this one like this one's like the 300 kit here probably it's it's roughly 300 to 500 bucks if you just point and Click and buy one of these so but it's Much cheaper parting it out you could Build it for about 90 bucks yeah maybe a Hundred Yep so I mean this is like my thing when I'm you know training my kids or letting Ba know here this is the trauma bag if Somebody is bleeding bleeding daddy gets Injured on the tractor or something Barbed wire just did a final destination Cut across his face grab the red bag we That would these things happen quite Often on a farm so yes the farm trauma Um I don't need that yeah you're right
I'll need that um because if you're at My Costa I won't yeah they gave him out To mouth it's us Um gloves Um kind of In probably not because I know you and I'm not really going to focus on getting My gloves on the first thing when I see Bleeding is I'm gonna slap that Tourniquin on you and stuff so I mean if This is for your car yeah So extra extra that's another stop Bleeding just in case you need more Yep So stop your bleeding you go through That stuff you go through that stuff Fast yeah pouring it in So ammonia tells these are awesome for When somebody goes into shock and They're passing out just I mean if you Have to just Jam this up one of their Nostrils yeah if it doesn't work I mean We used to do double ammonia inhalants And shove them up both nose for people Who were passing out or yeah Odin or What you know so that helps so happiness Shock side to this druggie Okay let's go ahead and go to the Ammonia Ammonia inhalants so organizing it and You gotta be so careful with these Whole pads that you don't pop So yeah shock Um washing it out scoring it out is
Gonna help uh tape just if you need to Keep taping around the wound and then of Course if you've got a bone protruding Out mobilization Um you're gonna definitely want a splint Especially trained Personnel you know They're they're not gonna leave you at a Awkward weird angle they're gonna Stabilize it and you're gonna need some Type of immobilizing issue so that's it I don't really need that that's for Little itty bitty stuff Um Ace Wrap yes coban's nice So there's that extra organization and Then of course just extra chest seals Yeah Penetrating traumas absolutely more Mobilizing Um Little digits yeah I mean you get a Nasty Shield finger bone I guess and Then of course you know when you're Dealing with really bad Burns Um this will help that has a numbing Agent in it too I believe yeah That's the really good stuff if I could put lidocaine in these ones or Not I don't know too much about them Still trauma hydrogel with natural tea Tree oil no and this one this smaller One what is it having it does it have The I'm just curious because I know the Smaller ones have the uh lidocaine it's Just purified water and tea tree oil
Yeah yeah No cool stuff yeah you get the hardcore Stuff it's got the lidocaine in it yeah To the numb it Um which it kind of burns but yeah it Does it works though and then a Triangular bandage and Do I not have a I was gonna say I better This is where I got to organize Everything together Um My blanket So you're going to want to keep them Warm especially if they're shaking they Go pale and they're just you know Turning maybe a little blue a little bit Of warmth might help them or sometimes People are just like overheated and then That's when you want to do the ice pack So I'm keeping all my little sock items Right here Where I can get to oh my God you can Probably wrap a cold pack in one of Those if you ever needed to to If you if you needed to apply a cold Pack you could probably seal it up with Yeah yeah Those also work to keep things cold and And hot yep So that's pretty much It lots of uh pressure bandages lots of Gauze Your chest sealers I mean stuff's pretty explanatory
Yeah I made the little stairy strips and The zip ties I like these a little bit Of dermabond very for like superficial Lacerations uh you can do But as far as for anything major Now But I mean this would be more kind of like a First aid except I would keep a couple Of the zip ties and I'd get I have Bigger but you would move into your Surgical kit at that point yeah you're Because You this is this is about you know Stopping the bleeding and everything Else and then you get into when you Start getting into like when you say Steri-strips and suturing that's well You might as well just go ahead and pull Out the surgical kit at that point and You need a whole another kit for that Yeah you can't have just one gigantic Monster kit that's going to have all of This stuff because it's going to get so Confusing You just know the big red one that's When people are bleeding all over the Place yep it's always good to keep that In mind if you got one big Red bag yep and then So I'm basically I'm just keeping on my Big extra reinforced supplies shock kit In the bigger section And then
All my bandages yeah In this guy But but The point the the point of this video is Is kind of like what to put in it and What to take and and location yeah right Location location yep where what should You go to first or what should you have In your first section And that kind of thing I was kind of Adding to what you've said so far yeah And how you know what all it's used for Because obviously this would go in your Boo-boo kit yeah Band-Aids Booboo kit Band-Aids yeah it's just Taking up space that I don't need and I'd rather bulk it more up with more When it comes to this the whistle Obviously you're not going to whistle And all that crap but uh that these pads These companies will put this stuff in Here and uh grams equals pounds equals Pain and if you have to carry this Around with you you're just adding more Weight and you're not going to need Another temperature right away but these Types of things like tweezers and uh Flashlights I have to use those around The house for pulling out random things From like splinters to you know stuff Stuff I need to see like physically get Right up on it and look at it in a wound The only time I've ever had to use the Tweezers and the light and everything in
A wound was kind of like a you know uh Grass had gotten in there you know or Dirt and you just couldn't get it out It's all embedded in there and you had To like dig it out you know You know what I'm talking about right Just throw a bunch of water in it blast That sucker I think you're torturing Somebody by trying to take Blades of Grass with tweezers I'm just trying to Don't let VA patch you up he'll like Torment you can cause you agonizing pain And don't walk in front of my tractor I Will mow you down by accident because Sometimes why are you looking at me While you're saying That We're Not Gonna Take It What have you got for closing Um in closing Trauma bats usually I would say if You're kind of like really no medical Experience you're doing it because You're being prepared and you never know What's going to happen I would do the Smaller compact Kits where do I put the paper where do I Put the duct tape That are cheaper and it's just not so Overwhelming with supplies and this Thing's bursting in your face like a Pinata and you're like yeah Shoot what do I do that's a good point So I would do the smaller ones and this Is kind of definitely more for like
People that are medics and have some Medical knowledge and they're kind of More comfortable with what they're Working for this is kind of like this is Really my OS bag for trauma and you know You can you can utilize more in here so That's just that's my closing because There would be the difference between a Jump bag right yeah because I mean this Is pretty much like a jump bag yeah Good points and then we should probably Do some type of surgical bag after this To be continued you know some some other Bag for those that want to get organized For whatever May Come Yeah All right that's all I got that's all You've got All right uh thank you guys for watching And uh uh God bless take care stay safe there you Go And we out