How To Shoot Long Range Off A Tripod | TJACK Survival

This is Tyler with survival dispatch Whether it's hunting prepping long range Shooting whatever that you're into we Want to ask a few questions on this Channel what kit works the best what do You need for survival that type of thing And today I'm going to do a review on Some of these tripods right here behind Me we're talking about what they are why You need one or don't and just some Basic information about it so stick with You [Music] Thank you While I'm sitting up here I'm going to Talk a little bit about my experience With tripods Um 15 years ago or more I helped facilitate A level two sniper course with a special Courses unit that was my first exposure To tripods prior to that I just thought Tripods were for camera gear like the Camera I've got sitting right here Back then at that course we had a Manfrotto tripod much like the one you See right here Um with the hog saddle on top at that Course they had manfrotto uh tripods With something called a hog saddle this Is not a hog saddle this is a field Optics research variant of the hog Saddle so we'll cover this piece first Basically these flaps right here can

Switch around so you either can have a Soft pad for your Wood stock gun or you Can pop this bottom piece out just Slides right out like that you've got Pectini Rail and a pictini attachment so You can stick an AR in it you can stick Anything with a side pectini attachment Whatever you want or you can just grab It onto a normal gun and it all fits Onto an ARCA Swiss base I see this clamp As a substantial upgrade from the hog Saddles that I was first introduced to Many many years ago now when it comes to Long range shooting One of the first things I asked the team Guys that were exposing me to this is Why would you use a tripod the answers Like most common sense answers were Supremely Common Sense everyone thinks Sniper is a long-range shooting they're Laying in the grass or they're prone all The time and shooting big distances but Even around here Especially around here you could Probably get away with laying in the Grass but there's certain locations Where the grass gets too high or you're Inside of scrub Oak and brush that you Want to shoot out of without being seen And in an environment like that or if You're on an lpop which is listening Position observation position for a big Duration of time it is super nice to Have a tripod I've got a couple

Different variations that I'm going to Go through and talk to you about so when It comes to application I have a desert Tech 308 SRS This is a Leupold Mark 5 HD and the way I have this guy set up Scopes here just A simple Harris bipod there's nicer Bipods but I can barely afford what I Got going on so this is a bipod that I Stole off of my other 308 we got a very Simple Pig tinning rail on the bottom Connected to an ARCA Swiss attachment That again is a field Optics research Thing that they sell what I like On this covert which is One of the shortest srs's they sell Maybe one of the shortest long range Guns out there that I can really think Of or basically stuff comparison From here to here is my shoulder width So it's four to six inches wider than my Shoulders this is pretty I dare say this is about as short as a 10 inch SBR AR15 and then I have a 24 Inch barrel in this Um Without going down the rabbit hole too Far if you're going to shoot long range Here in the west with higher altitude And less altitude density you can get Away with a shorter Barrel if you're Going to take it back I don't know sea level Georgia wherever We need a little more length uh 21 to 26

Is kind of the magic distance there Um this is 24 inch barrel Looks good it works so all of that aside Um Desert Tech does make an ARCA Swiss Rail mount on the bottom of their I want To say it's their SRS A2 it's a longer Version it's not the covert SRS and it's Not what I wanted so anyway my my goal For this Was Super tight super small super long range Those are two very competitive goals you Kind of either get one or you get the Other you don't really necessarily get Both I however am okay with the 24 inch 308 in a Bullpup Giving me a gun that's this long But I still have to keep it stable you Still have the shooter this gun and this Scope can clearly out shoot me And stability is the key so that's why We talk about the tripods okay there's a Lot of variants of these tripods Um I'm just going to go through each one so You have options you can do what you Want on them and also you can one thing That's really kind of nice is I can use My bipod I can close it stick it on a Ruck or a Bag and I can drop it on the tripod all In the same setup so it gives me options With this one You this is this is basically a camera

Mount Um It's a camera mount that's been Repurposed it's a little bit different It's not exactly the same and uh it's Basically been set up for long range Shooting if you look at this I have beat The crap out of this I have used this Tripod and this setup for Maybe three to five years like I've used This for quite a long time I'm not Exactly sure I wish I could tell you how Long but it's put in the work it's done A bunch of time in Sandy environments Which is anyone who's into photography Knows will destroy your equipment Um cold clearly it's cold right now so It's a nice little setup so essentially I'm gonna pop this guy on here it's wood Attached right here on the very front And this is one of the additive Differences is that little screw and That little screw right there is going To make sure there's no sliding so when This gun kicks it's going to push Against this plate and it's going to Keep it from jolting around in the in The similar manner like you want to Slide your scope all the way forward so When your gun comes back your scope's Already forwarded and you're not going To lose zero this keeps it from being Sloppy and attaches right there on the Front so with this quality yet slightly

Older model You have a little more finite adjustment You have the large adjuster and the Small adjuster right And you can just loosen them up You can use one if you want Um I'll usually use the big one in the Front because that's more accessible for My left hand so if I want to get on the Gun also another little note Right here on the left side is a level So I can tilt it And flatten it out with my left hand I Really like that it's accessible with my Left hand I like the fact that I can get On the scope right I've got my right eye Where I need to be and then just Basically look with my left eye and say Oh I'm not level Tilt it until I'm level And then get back from the scope so I'm Only going on the up and down axis Without jacking up my left and right Access now Under 7 800 yards that's not so much of A big deal but once you start surpassing That your rounds going up and falling to The left if you're tilted left or it Goes up and falling to the right if You're tilted right so it's super Beneficial to be able to get on the gun Be ready to shoot and then just look With my left eyeball at my my bubble Level and figure out where I'm at then

Pop back on and be ready to roll This is actually a great hunting tripod If you're sitting in a location where You're standing on a steep slope So you can actually loosen this guy up Right here And pull that all the way up there and If you need you can add more sections in Right here and make it even that tall The reason why that matters is if I'm Standing on a hill Where The slope in front of me is really low I can put it down that Hill Still have my gun nice and high and Ready to go so it's going to add Seven eight feet of height to the pull System but still comes in the same Package that's really nice if you're in Sheep country some really vertical place Where you've got to have that extra Height another note real quick too is That you can twist these off it's a Little cold out here But you can twist these guys off And that is the same Mount that this Head goes on I can throw the mounts on The head and now I've got a monopod I Can put a grip on it for hiking Some super modularity there which is Really nice so this next bottle I'm Going to essentially say Kind of went more Down The Long Range Hunting path or the long range shooting

Path and hunting clearly it's still Excellent for hunting but a little more Appropriate for long-range standing Sitting and so forth So on this one we've got a bubble on the Legs the legs are still detachable so That you can use them in hiking poles or You can use them as a monopod for Running your scope or whatever that Whatever it is that you need to do and It's got a release piece here underneath So this swivel head is really cool if I Take the gun again Just gonna slide it right on the head Reach up here and my camera gear Is a little looser than my gun so I have To adjust it just a little bit now What's going on here is I can get on the Gun with my right hand nice and stable Target acquired and then I can just go Righty tighty Okay snug it up and now it's stable so If I need to engage multiple targets or I'm running a competition or something I Can loosen it up Pick the first Target And I will go a little low tighten it up And then pull up a little bit so I have A little bit of resistance And I can engage the first Target loosen I'm on the second target engage Loosen third fourth fifth sixth and it Looks like small amounts of movements But it's substantial when you're looking

Seven eight hundred plus yards so this Is a great tripod setup for long Distance quick engagement For again military lpop law enforcement Lpop and the the bubble system again Let's talk about that so this one's got A bubble on a tripod tells you where You're at there it's got a bubble on the Front which is going to be better for Canting okay tells me whether I'm right Or left and it's got a center bubble When I'm doing photography I really like That Center bubble also I can use a combination of the center Bubble and the back bubble to see if I'm Canceled right or left so this gives me A substantial amount of stability at Height to shoot over objects over Tall Grass whatever it is that I need to do Or even just use as a spotting scope for Large game acquisition or shooting Okay the final iteration Or phase of the field Optics research Tripod is this guy right here and They've kind of integrated everything Into the head on the top where you just A slight righty tighty lefty Loosey so This gives you to be able to move and Then tighten it tightens it right back Up [Applause] Slide that guy in there it's loose Tighten it and it's tight the only thing I personally wish they did is put

This bubble on the other side now I can Get on my right eye Tilt and see the bubble adjust Until I'm level lock it up And then get back on And I get it because you still have to Have clamps and stuff you still have to Make it function those are the three Main types of tripod that I've been able To borrow from field Optics research These are demo tripods they've given me But let's talk a little bit about Application and how to use them in Different environments Okay So from a pure standing perspective I can stand here I can scope I can glass right I can figure out what I need to shoot at And right now I got a 100 meter Target 100 yard Target 200 three four five six Out to 700 yards And I do want to test the distances on These Foreign [Music] A little bit of movement backwards this Is a very back heavy uh Bullpup So that's the main part is standing the Next thing you want to try out is Sitting Now I personally tend to think This is where tripods Excel the most

Okay When it comes to being slightly covert And Just sitting and chilling for a big Duration of time your ability to just Sit down With the heavy Rock behind you is key Also being able to quickly adjust this To whatever height that you want because I'm kind of sitting in a hole Is also key so I can drop this down Adjust it get myself level again [Music] And see where we want to do ideally I Wouldn't be laying kind of in a hole Like I am right now but if you're kind Of low You've got this much type of grass Coverage you can stay below the grass When you're ready You know come up above the grass I can Shoot my current position I can shoot Kneeling I can sit down here even Put a leg up against it for stability And again I like to aim it load lock a Little bit Kind of takes the looseness that's Inevitable out of it And then get back on target [Applause] [Music] [Music] Hit it

So we're able to send a pretty easy 800 Meter shot 800 yard shot In sitting it's fairly stable you kind Of want to loosen it up Aim it down a bit tighten it and then Kind of Bend yourself into position And then you get it just takes all the Wobbles completely out of the shot [Music] Okay the last one I'm going to show you Is pro these tripods can be used in the Prone Um that's really beneficial for you guys Shooting the lapuas and the 50 Cals just Up above grass they'll get you up higher Than a bipod and as low as you can be Without using a sitting tripod so let's Look at those guys Foreign So with these field Optics research Tripods one thing I've really got to Hand it to him is their modularity I can Take this tall tripod Unscrew that off of it Grab the smaller one that I want to add It to just basically throw that in there Righty tighty And then in a matter of what was that 30 Seconds I just went from the big tripod To the small one I've got my shooting bat here and I've Got my Harris to kind of show you The altitude difference right here is my Harris

Fully extended fully locked out right And this is a pretty normal You know most people familiar with these Uh type setup but now if I have a 50 cal Or something really heavy or this gun I Just want to maybe lay prone in the Grass or with my elbows up in a position That would be higher than what can I What I can achieve with a bipod or a Backpack I'm just going to add something Like this into the equation So lock that guy down and now I've got This nice little tripod that just put me Up quite a ways almost too too tall for My my bench right now so then I can Loosen it up Get a little more extension Right [Music] And now I've got the ability to Make it a bit higher now if I want more Stability I'll just click it And spread it out even more Now I have a hyper stable platform That would work excellent for a really Really heavy gun right this is very Close to the platforms that I've used in The past with like a modus a 50 cal Something big And it's just a really stable bench Setup for something like this so let's Look at this in the Pro Okay to be honest with you when I first Saw this baby tripod I wasn't impressed

I thought what are you gonna do with That I stand corrected using this in the Backcountry if you make it taller on This hand grape you can put a weight on It I can quite literally both this to The ground if I want if I got something That's jumping heavy Um It creates an extremely stable close to The ground amazing platform for long Range shooting okay so let me get here In the snow Get her level again And again I like to lock it get it level Lock it down a little bit bend it up Just a tad And I feel a little tight real Comfortable almost double gripped I've Got both elbows in the ground but I'm up High enough off the snow and the ground That I I'm not gonna clip some dirt Between me and the target So I think this is almost a perfect Setup for You know hitting coyotes at a distance Long range shooting or an lpop [Music] [Applause] [Music] It out a bit [Music] Got it [Music]

Okay I hope you guys like this review Um I'm very sold on the field Optics Research tripods they're lightweight They cover multiple functions for me They're camera holders they're walking Walking sticks their platforms for long Range shooting with a ton of options for Different setups with one or two of These tripods you can have every height From prone kneeling sitting standing or Super sloped uh Terrain So they are an absolute Problem Solver And a must if you're prepping uh you Want standoff distance you want to get Meat you need to shoot long distances or Even videography Photography they don't Really advertise as that but I love them As my camera gear majority of the time I'm using these tripods for my camera Gear just because they're quick Adjustable I can get them level quick And speed is of the essence when it Comes to making videos like this because We got other things to do all right guys Hopefully that's valuable to you check These out at field Optics research I'll Leave the link down below and you have Gear or things that you want to see Stick with us leave those comments down Below also what do you think about Sniper rifles in bugging out or prepping Is there a place for them is that Something that should be in your stable Leave those comments down below thanks

For watching Foreign [Music]

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